* Newchronology website of Ilya U. Topper and Uwe Topper, Homepage [
] [archive.is/nu6LJ], Library (ilya.it/chrono/enpages/hemeroen.html) [archive.is/YhdLg]
] and "Zeitensprunge (Time Lapse)" (edited by Dr. Heribert Illig) [
Joseph Aschbach 1801 - 1882 [Höchst (Frankfurt am Main), Germany] Lived in Vienna, Austria
Aschbach, born in Germany, had studied in Heidelberg but worked as a professor at the Vienna University. Around 1860 he developed the critical method which allowed him to discover the faking of Roswitha von Gandersheim (Hrotsvith) and can serve as model for future research into the chaos of Renaissance fakes. He was an excellent arabist and, as a professor, very admired in Vienna; the Emperor even accorded him a nobility degree.
The fundament of Aschbach's proceeding when analysing source material is: only the content can show us if a document is faked, because the material conditions - such as parchment, writing etc. - might be imitated in a perfect way, especially when there are no other pieces to rely on for comparison.
1868: Roswitha und Conrad Celtes (2. Edition. Vienna)
Baldauf is supposed to have worked as a professor at the University of Basle but nearly nothing is known about his person. It seems that he used a pseudonym. During the last years of the 19th century he studied the chronicles concerning Charlemagne, said to be written in the 9th and 11th century, whereas he found out that the language they're written in must be much more recent. He applied the same lingüistic research method to the Roman authors and came to the conclusion that they are all Renaissance fakes, too. The Roman poets used stylistic ressources such as rhyme and alliteration! Not only Horace, Ovid and Caesar, also Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Aristoteles were, according to Baldauf, "children of one century: the 14th. / 15th. Our Romans and Greeks were the Italian humanists".
Baldauf managed to publish these findings in the second volume of his work in 1902, whereas the first volume, about Charlemagne, was published one year later. His ideas were given little attention until chronology criticism unearthed his books.
1902: Historie und Kritik (Vol. IV C)
1903: Historie und Kritik (Vol. I)
Blöss is a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Christian Blöss [
Blöss, who works as a physicist, lives in Berlin. Since the 1980s he critics the theory of evolution as created by Darwin and studies the aspects of catastrophs originated by planets. Together with Ch. Marx, G. Heinsohn and and H. Illig he started to work in 1982 at the Society for Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature (GRMNG) which he led as a vice-president. Together with Uwe Topper and H.-U. Niemitz he founded in 1994 the Berlin Historic Meetings (BGS).
Since several years he works together with Niemitz on a critical analysis of physical methods to date historical facts, as the radiocarbon method; his book C-14 Crash shows that this method is not trustworthy. His second book Ceno-Crash offers a new shortened chronology for our planet's geological epochs.
Dr. theol. Hermann Detering is an protestant parish priest in Berlin. He learned the methods of a scholarly critic of the Bible at the renowned theologian Walter Schmithals. Detering achieved recognition by his critical review of Paul, the founder of the Church. His analysis shows that all of the epistles attributed to Paul have ben faked in the 2nd century.
]. His motto is: De omnibus dubitandum (everything must be doubted). Besides, he is an excellent painter.
Sir Galahad was the pseudonym used by Bertha Diener, daughter of a factory owner in Vienna. In 1904, the writer left her husband, the well-known historian Friedrich Eckstein, and started to travel around. She wrote for magazines, translated other authors (such as Prentice Mulford) and wrote books. The most famous one is "Mütter und Amazonen" (Mothers and Amazons), first published in 1932. This analysis of the History of humankind, especially of the female part of it, written from a very personal viewpoint, has owned her enthusiastic followers and harsh enemies; nobody was left indifferent. The women's movement consider her sometimes as an important pillar for its philosophy. Her account of her journey to Crete (1924) is useful for the critic of chronology, as well as several minor writings, today quite difficult to access.
1932: Mütter und Amazonen. Ein Umriß weiblicher Reiche
Arthur Drews 1865 - 1935 [Holstein, Germany] Lived in Karlsruhe, Germany.
After Bruno Bauer, the philosopher Arthur Drews (Karlsruhe, Germany) is the best known German critic who put into question the historic existence of Jesus. His book "Die Christusmythe" ('The Christ Myth', published 1909) unleashed strong debates, often on a very emotional basis, which had their echo in every part of the Empire. In the second volume (1911), Drews arguments with his opponents and offers new proofs for the impossibility to stick to a historic person as a model for the Christ figure.
Albert Schweitzer and many others have worked on this basis. Drews' works are still fundamental for Christian theology, although the author is not very widely known in Germany today.
Anatoly Fomenko is the most famous of scientific historians of the Russian Federation, who is credited as having popularized the inquiry into a New Chronology.
]. Authors' note:
Created finally in the 16th century A.D. and accepted today chronology and history of the ancient and medieval world, evidently contains big mistakes.
Many outstanding scientists understood it and discussed during a long period of time. But it appeared to be a difficult task to build a new, non-contradictory concept of chronology.
Starting from 1975 a group of mathematicians, mainly from the Moscow State University, were engaged in the development of this problem. Interesting results were received and published both in scientific periodical print and in separate monographs. We underline, that new concept of chronology is based, mainly, on analysis of historical sources WITH THE METHODS OF MODERN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS and vast COMPUTER CALCULATIONS.
The task of chronology is to put in order the events into proper way on a temporary scale based on the available information. This task naturally fits into the field of applications to modern mathematical statistics, theory of information. The methods of humanities, one of which is history, are not enough for solving chronological issues. New chronology imposes another psychological picture of perception of the antiquity. Now the word "antiquity" should be connected with 15th-17th centuries A.D. that is with the events, distant from us on 300-400 years. Expression "high antiquity" should now relate to the 13th-14th centuries A.D. And the words "the highest antiquity" – are already the 11th-12th centuries A. D. BEFORE THE 10th-11th CENTURIES A.D. THE EPOCH OF SILENCE OF WRITTEN DOCUMENTS COMES. (See the book RECONSTRUCTION).
Our analyses of the chronology and history opened a striking circumstance. Based on the applied by us mathematical methods it was proved, that the Scaligerian chronology, and therefore also the Scaligerian history of the "antiquity" and the Middle Ages, is totally wrong. Moreover, it appeared that our history right up to the end of the 16th century was consciously falsified at the epoch of the 17th-18th centuries.
Anatoly Fomenko 1945 [Donezk, Ukraine]. Lives in Moscow, Russia
Fomenko, a very well-known Russian mathematician, teaches Mathematics and Statistics at Moscow University. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Science. As founder and coordinator of the "New Chronology" he advocates a radical shortening of history, because —in his opinion— many early empires, as the Roman Empire, only mirror the later ones and exist only in literature.
His statistical method of analysing history is widely debated, its core issue is the comparison of specific data (the length of reign of a king etc) in order to demonstrate the identity of different epochs. His critics accuse him to select the compared data in a subjectiv way. Fomenko's Russian books have reached many readers and high numbers of copies, but translations are difficult to come by. Besides, Fomenko is also a renowned surrealist painter.
2003: History: Fiction or Science? (Delamere Ressources, Isle of Man, UK, two volumes up to date)
" (.pdf) vol. 1 [
], vol. 2 [
], vol. 3 [
], vol. 4 [
" (.pdf) vol. 1 [
" (2001, by B. Lukács, President of the Matter Evolution Subcommittee of the Geonomy Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
1. "
2. "
" (via stolenhistory.org/articles/the-new-chronology-by-fomenko-and-nosovskiy.68/) [archive.is/wGbBv]
The Books
Volume 1: Introducing the problem. A criticism of the Scaligerian chronology. Dating methods as offered by mathematical statistics. Eclipses and zodiacs.
Numbers against lies
Volume 2: The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece. The Bible. Chronological shifts.
Antiquity is Middle Ages
We change dates - everything changes
Volume 3: Astronomical methods as applied to chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. The Egyptian zodiacs.
Stars testify
Celestial calendar of the Ancients
Volume 4: Russia. Britain. Byzantium. Rome.
New chronology of Russia
The miracle of Russian history
Volume 5: Russia = Horde. Ottomans = Atamans. Europe. China. Japan. The Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia.
Heyday of Tsardom
Volume 6: (no translation) The Horde-Ataman Empire. The Bible. The Reformation. America. Passover and the calendar.
Biblical Russia
The settlement of America by Russia-Horde
Seven Wonders of the World
Volume 7: (no translation) A reconstruction of global history. The Khans of Novgorod = The Habsburgs. Miscellaneous information. The legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America.
Western myth
Russian roots of the "Ancient" Latin
Rare ancient pictures and texts, mentioned in New Chronology (chronologia.org/en/old_books/index.html)
YouTube: read by Jon Machtemes
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 1
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 2
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 3
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 4
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 5
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 6
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 7
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 8
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 9
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 10
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 11
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 12
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 13
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 14
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 15
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 16
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 17
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 18
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 19
Fiction or Science? (reading) part 20
Other books:
* How it was in Reality (chronologia.org/en/how_it_was/index.html) [archive.is/h7ZXz]
Tsars of Slavs
New chronology and conception of the English history. England and Russia.
Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating
Volume I: The Development of the Statistical Tools
Volume II: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records
Volume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle
Empirico-Statistical Method in Ordering Narrative Text
The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation
Global Chronological Map:
Fragment 1. General view of an important fragment of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko. Three main chronological shifts are presented: on around 330, 1050 and 1800 years. Shifts of dates were found using mathematical methods. Here parallelisms in the history of Europe, Byzantium, and also overlapping of the Bible on European and Asian history are marked as the most important examples.
Fragment 2 of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko. Rome (Roman imperators and Roman pontifices), Byzantium, the Carolings, Greece. A chronological shift is well seen. See details in the books of A.Т.Fomenko "Foundations of the history" ( Chronology 1) and "Methods" ( Chronology 2). On this and other fragments, presented at the present edition, facts of later periods, created by G.V.Nosovskiy and A.T.Fomenko are partly taken into account. For example, dating of the life of Andronicus-Christ: 1152-1185.
Fragment 3 of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko. Rome, Greece, the Habsburgs, Bible. A chronological shift is well seen.
Fragment 4 of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko: Rome, Byzantium, the Carolings. A chronological shift is well seen.
Fragment 5 of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko. England, Rome and Byzantium. A chronological shift is well seen.
Fragment 6 of the Global Chronological Map of A.T.Fomenko. Rome and Armenian Catholicos. A chronological shift is well seen.
As we understand now, in the XIV-XVI centuries, Russia and Kitai composed one empire as yet. So there was no need to erect a Wall = Border. Most likely, such a need arose after the Strife in Russia, the defeat of the Russian Horde dynasty and the seizure of power by the Romanovs.
It is well known that the Romanovs abruptly changed the political course of Russia, trying to subordinate the country to Western influence. Such pro-western orientation of the new dynasty led to the collapse of the Empire. Turkey separated from Empire, and wars with it began.
Kitai separated too. In fact, the control over a significant part of America was also lost. In the end, even a small Alaska, the last remaining fragment of the Horde in America was lost too.
Relations between Kitai and the Romanovs became strained, accompanied by the border conflicts. It was required to erect the Wall, which was done.
Frank, Werner [
archive.is/dj3Nk], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Franz, Dietmar [
archive.is/zdW1T], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Franz, Ulrich [
archive.is/L2Cez], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Horst Friedrich
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Horst Friedrich *1931 [Breslau] Lives in Munich, Germany.
Friedrich, HorstFriedrich, Dr. rer. nat., studied philosophie of science and history of science and reached his doctor's degree in 1974 in Munich with a thesis about the natural sciences of the 17th century. During four decades he was activele participating in and focussing on controversies between unconventional researchers and scholars and the mainstream academic world.
Many of his publications try to raise consciousness of the fact, that scientific views and cosmogonies have always a temporary and provisional character and therefore should be always considered with healthy scepticism. He believes that our universities need badly an institution which guarantees that a broad range of different views can be taught, a measure that would surely lead to an 'outburst' of knowledge and science.
Friedrich wrote a number of articles for 'Efodon-Synesis' , a German magazine which he also led as co-editor during several years. He has good contacts to the international circles of he chronological critic and his articles in French and English have won him many friends.
Selected Publications:
1997: Jahrhundert-Irrtum Eiszeit? (Efodon, Hohenpeißenberg)
1998: Erdkatastrophen und Menschheitsentwicklung. (Efodon, Hohenpeißenberg)
Friedrich, Horst [
archive.is/pxgRi] [
archive.is/AgB2A], citations from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Friedrich, V. [
archive.is/qzVRZ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Friedrich, Volker [
archive.is/ESsXl], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Fritzsche, Fabian [
archive.is/GXMYJ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Funke, Wolfgang [
archive.is/im7z4], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Eugen Gabowitsch
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Eugen Gabowitsch 1938 - 2009 [Tartu (Dorpat), Estonia] Lived in Karlsruhe and Potsdam, Germany
Gabowitsch, who owned a ScD degree, lived in Germany since 1980. Between 1981 and 2003 he directed the Department of Mathematic Models at the Research Center of Karlsruhe. He was active as translator and publisher, has written more than 100 publications in Estian, Russian, English and German and led the research on Asian History and ancient technologies.
In 1999 Gabowitsch founded the Karlsruhe Historic Forum and in 2002, together with Uwe Topper, that of Potsdam. Both celebrated meetings and lectures every month during several years.
Thanks to his knowledge of Russian, Gabowitsch was the most important link between the German and the Russian circles and the one who spread Morosow's and Fomenko's theories in Germany. Since 2000 he ran the website Geschichte und Chronologie [
de.geschichte-chronologie.de], which offers a broad range of articles by different authors and a forum for debates.
Eugen Gabowitsch died on January 21st, 2009.
Selected Publications:
1999: China: wie entstand die Chronologie? (in Zeitensprünge,1/99) 2000: Betonbauten der Römer, Kelten und Ägypter (in Synesis, Nr. 37)
Gabowitsch, Eugen [
archive.is/TMsbp], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
A chronological revolution made by historical analytics" (by Eugen Gabowitsch) (via de.geschichte-chronologie.de) pg. 1 [
archive.is/FwZTZ], pg. 2 [
archive.is/RpIqv], pg. 3 [
Mischa Gabowitsch
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Mischa Gabowitsch 1977 [Moscow, Russia] lives at Paris, France.
Mischa gabowitschMischa Gabowitsch, son of Eugen Gabowitsch, dominates several languages. He made his doctorate in 2007 at the High School of Social Sciences at Paris. He works as editor of a Russian magazin at Moscow and as well at Peterburg. He is fellow of Princeton university (USA) and nowadays employed at the Einstein Institut at Potsdam. Look for his severe critique of Fomenko et la „nouvelle chronologie“.
Selected Publications:
2000: Fomenco et la nouvelle chronologie
Geiser, Remigius [
archive.is/WUrdu], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gernot Geise
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Gernot Geise 1945 [Gladenbach] Lives in Hohenpeißenberg, Germany
Geise, a graphic technician, is since more than ten years the publisher of the magazine Synesis which offers its space to many authors who participate in the chronology debate. As cofounder and member of the Steering Board of Efodon - European Society for ancient tecnologies and subjects peripheric to Science, he has done much research on the Celtic walls.
Together with Thomas Riemer he developed a new concept to understand the classic Roman history. He runs his own website: www.glgeise.de
Selected Publications:
1988: Die Irrealität des Römischen Reiches - Wer waren die Römer wirklich? 2002: Das keltische Nachrichtensystem(2. Edition. Vienna)
Barthelemy Germon
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Barthelemy Germon 1663-1712 [Orléans, France]
Germon originates from Orleans and worked mainly in Paris. Member of the then very important order of the Society of Jesus, he published —like many colleagues, but with more success to get it known— an extensive study of the falsifications that had been handed down during the last generations and incorporated into historiography. Against Jean Mabillon he could demonstrate that a great number of diplomas, chronicals, papal correspondence and accounts of councils of the church were inventions specially aimed to introduce certain theological ideas. The title of his main work would read in English as: "Of the old frankish royal documents and the art how to know what is authentic and what false."
Selected Publications:
1703: De veteribus regum francorum diplomatibus et arte secernendi vera a falsis (Paris)
Giese, Berthold [
archive.is/yjLOP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Giesinger, Norbert [
archive.is/K8q1v], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Glahn, Alexander [
archive.is/bOqry], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Glötzner, Johannes [
archive.is/Z2qfz], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [
archive.is/045gg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Görl, Wolfgang [
archive.is/ste9y], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Görlitz, Dominique [
archive.is/9POKH], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gregor-Dellin, Martin [
archive.is/cwAUN], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gustka, Otto [
archive.is/1NfJv], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Günther, Karl [
archive.is/aStLo], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Steven O. Guth, a polemicist
* "
The “Missing” Dark Ages" (by Steven O. Guth, addendum by Andreas Otte) (via, yrotsih.com) [
Hackensberger, Alfred [
archive.is/AvOaK], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hamacher, Anne [
archive.is/Z88z6], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Jean Hardouin
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Jean Hardouin 1646 - 1729 [Paris, France]
Hardouin, a very studied and renown Jesuit, became in 1683 director of the Royal Library of France where he prepared an edition of the Council Records of the whole lifetime of the Catholic Church and laid down the fundaments of scientific historiography.
In 1690 he started publishing surprising views: according to him, all the Fathers of the Church —St. Augustin, Isidor of Seville etc— and all records of Councils before the 16th century are faked as well as the biggest part of Roman authors. Although his arguments could never be refuted, the Church defended after his death the authenticity of the biggest part of the texts that Hardouin had declared fakes.
Selected Publications:
- "
Prolegomena ad censuram veterum scriptorum" (1693, published at Paris)
- "
Ad Censuram Scriptorum veterum prolegomena" (1766, Jean Hardouin) (.pdf) [
* "
Jean Hardouin" (retrieved 2015-10-15, en.wikipedia.org) [
archive.is/6N9GF] [begin excerpt]:
Jean Hardouin (1646 – September 3, 1729), French classical scholar, was born at Quimper in Brittany.
Having acquired a taste for literature in his father's book-shop, he sought and obtained admission into the order of the Jesuits in around 1662 (when he was 16). In Paris, where he went to study theology, he ultimately became librarian of the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in 1683, and he died there.
His first published work was an edition of Themistius (1684), which included no fewer than thirteen new orations. On the advice of Jean Garnier (1612–1681) he undertook to edit the Natural History of Pliny for the Dauphin series, a task which he completed in five years. Aside from editorial work, he became interested in numismatics, and published several learned works on this subject, all marked by a determination to be different from other interpreters. His works on this topic include: Nummi antiqui populorum et urbium illustrati (1684), Antirrheticus de nummis antiquis coloniarum et municipiorum (1689), and Chronologia Veteris Testamenti ad vulgatam versionem exacta et nummis illustrata (1696).
Hardouin was appointed by the ecclesiastical authorities to supervise the Conciliorum collectio regia maxima (1715); but he was accused of suppressing important documents and including apocryphal ones, and by the order of the parlement of Paris (then in conflict with the Jesuits) the publication of the work was delayed.
It is, however, as the originator of a variety of paradoxical theories that Hardouin is now best remembered. The most remarkable, contained in his Chronologiae ex nummis antiquis restitutae (1696) and Prolegomena ad censuram veterum scriptorum, was to the effect that, with the exception of the works of Homer, Herodotus and Cicero, the Natural History of Pliny, the Georgics of Virgil, and the Satires and Epistles of Horace, all the ancient classics of Greece and Rome were spurious, having been manufactured by monks of the 13th century, under the direction of a certain Severus Archontius. He denied the genuineness of most ancient works of art, coins and inscriptions, and declared that the New Testament was originally written in Latin. Hardouin also doubted the life span of Dante seeing him rather in the 15th/16th century, as published in Paris 1727, which was edited with an English commentary in London 1847 by C. F. Molini. The historian Isaac-Joseph Berruyer [
archive.is/F8agC] had his Histoire du peuple de Dieu condemned for having followed this theory, which has a modern heir in the Russian mathematician Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, whose conclusions being based on proprietary methods of statistical textual analysis and computational astronomy are even more radical, but considered to be pseudoscientific. Hardouin also declared that all the councils supposed to have taken place before the council of Trent were fictitious.
Further reading -
* "
Bibliothèque des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus" (1853, by A. Debacker)
Bibliography -
* The Prolegomena of Jean Hardouin, translated into English by Edwin Johnson and published by Angus and Robertson, Sydney 1909, with a noteworthy preface of Edward A. Petherick.
Full text of the Prolegomena (via babel.hathitrust.org) [
* "
The Prolegomena of Jean Hardouin Explored" (2014-06-20, by G.D.O'Bradovich III) [
Jean Hardouin (1646-1729) states that the writings attributed to the Church Fathers are subtly atheistic and impious. He states that this "impious crew" have "no God, but Nature; who was the framer of the Universe by necessary and immutable laws of motion...the light of Truth..." [Chapter 2, section 2]. Hardouin suggests that purpose of this subtle atheism is "to remove God entirely from the world, and to overthrow the whole...of the Christian faith." [Chapter 1, section 16]. While there are no quotes of the impious Church Fathers, Hardouin does mention that "it is fearfully tedious...to read them."[Chapter 3, section 19]
Hardouin maintains that these writings were unknown for most of history, were placed in libraries and to be brought out "by degrees" in later generations [Chapter 1, section 7]. While we may find this idea amusing, we must recall that the Sinai Codex, found in the 1840's, is one of the earliest dated and best preserved codices of the Bible. In our own time, the provenance of the "Gospel of Judas" is no earlier than the 1960's, but is dated to the first centuries.
One of few proofs that Hardouin offers of the "impious cohort", is the use of the titles Father and Doctor of the Church. He states that if the Church had "this custom it would still retain it. But it does not retain it." [Chapter 15, section 3] Either he is ignorant that five saints were given the title of "Doctor" in the late 16th century, or they were made Doctors after Hardouin's death in 1729.
Another part of the evidence against the "impious band" is the manufacture of historical heresies. Hardouin suggests that the heresies taught in university are arranged systemically and are inherently chronological: Heresies against the Trinity, Arianism, consubstantiation, Nestorianism, the Natures of Christ, the two wills and the presence of Christ in the Eucharist [Chapter 17, section 4].
While Hardouin references Augustine over 30 times, he mentions "The city of God" only once. With this reference, Hardouin supplies the book and chapter (18,38). To find any supporting evidence for the extraordinary claim of impiety, we will look at the 18th book of "The city of God".
Gentle Reader, keep in mind that "impious" is defined as not showing due reverence. This can be applied to men or Gods. In Modern parlance, we can say that the writer is being disrespectful.
Chapter 2. "the very voice of nature somehow proclaims, that those who happen to be conquered should choose rather to be subject to their conquerors than to be killed"
We learn Nature dictates it is better to live in slavery than to die.
- Chapter 5. "For what men can do with real colors and substances, the demons can very easily do by showing unreal forms to breeding animals."
Details of animal husbandry are not appropriate in a Christian text.
- Chapter 6. "Varro [the historian to whom Augustine is referring] does not believe these things, because they are incompatible with the nature of the gods and of morality."
- Chapter 13. In this chapter, Augustine relates" Jupiter's rape of Ganymede, a very beautiful boy, " and "his impregnating Danäe as a golden shower". Augustine then comments as to "whether these things were really done or only fabled in those days, or were really done by others and falsely ascribed to Jupiter" .
- Chapter 18. Augustine relates many Greek myths in the preceding chapters and concludes chapter 18 with these words: "These things have not come to us from persons we might deem unworthy of credit, but from informants we could not suppose to be deceiving us." Augustine invites us to believe these incredible stories.
- Chapter 19. "Now the Latins made Æneas one of their gods, because at his death he was nowhere to be found." By substituting Jesus for Aeneas, the impious reader understands a denial of the Resurrection.
- Chapter 21. Augustine relates his knowledge of prostitutes and whorehouses: "(now harlots were called lupæ, she-wolves, from which their vile abodes are even yet called lupanaria)"
- Chapter 24. "Romulus, when dead, could nowhere be found, the Romans...placed him among the gods". The impious reader may equate the Roman's inability to find a body with Mary Magdalene's searching for the body of Christ.
- Chapter 31. Augustine questions accuracy of the books of the minor prophets of the Old Testament by stating that these errors "happened through their error in negligently copying the works of others."
- Chapter 32. Augustine invites the reader to question the accuracy of the New Testament by suggesting there are different versions. "But some copies have, I will joy in God my Jesus, which seems to me better than the version of those who, wishing to put it in Latin,"
- Chapter 36. "on a question having arisen among certain young men as to what is the strongest thing, when one had said kings, another wine, the third women..."
This seems more appropriate as a set up for an off color joke and not as text to be found in alleged Christian writings.
- Chapter 37. Augustine supposes that the reader knows nothing about the Bible: "Moses... whose writings are first in the authoritative canon".
- Chapter 38. Augustine comments on why certain books are referred to to in the Old Testament, but are not included in it. "But the writings of these men could not be held as authoritative either among the Jews or us, on account of their too great antiquity, which made it seem needful to regard them with suspicion, lest false things should be set forth instead of true."
Augustine states that old writings are not to be accepted on account of their age alone. "Nor ought it to appear strange if writings for which so great antiquity is claimed are held in suspicion".
Hardouin would agree. Although Augustine is writing about non canonical books, his reasoning could also apply to the church Fathers. "If any writings outside of it [the Old Testament] are now brought forward under the name of the ancient prophets, they cannot serve even as an aid to knowledge, because it is uncertain whether they are genuine"
- Chapter 40. Once again, Augustine must belittle the reader, because he supposes that he knows nothing of the Bible when he relates that "the first man, who is called Adam".
- Chapter 41. Augustine relates the different philosophies and opinions found in Greece. "Why, then, have the disciples dissented from their masters, and the fellow disciples from one another, except because as men they have sought after these things by human sense and human reasonings?"
"The Epicureans asserted that human affairs were not under the providence of the gods; and the Stoics, holding the opposite opinion, agreed that they were ruled and defended by favorable and tutelary gods."
The reader may question whether or not the Gods exist.
Philosophers have varied opinions on the ultimate good. Some philosophers have "made the delight of the body the chief good, while the other asserted that man was made happy mainly by the virtue of the mind."
The impressionable reader may start to question his beliefs after reading the following contradictions among philosophers:
"some asserting there was one world,
others innumerable worlds;
some that this world had a beginning,
others that it had not;
some that it would perish,
others that it would exist always;
some that it was governed by the divine mind,
others by chance and accident;
some that souls are immortal,
others that they are mortal--
and of those who asserted their immortality,
some said they transmigrated through beasts,
others that it was by no means so;
while of those who asserted their mortality,
some said they perished immediately after the body,
others that they survived either a little while or a longer time, but not always;
some fixing supreme good in the body,
some in the mind,
some in both;
others adding to the mind and body external good things;
some thinking that the bodily senses ought to be trusted always,
some not always,
others never. "
Augustine continues:
"Even if some true things were said in it, yet falsehoods were uttered with the same licence".
It is left up to the reader, using reason, to determine what is true and what is false.
- Chapter 43. Augustine brings to the reader's attention that some people "contend that the Septuagint translators have erred in many places", thereby causing doubt in the reader's mind.
- Conclusion. There is no doubt that impiety takes many forms in this excerpt from Augustine.
I conclude this paper by quoting from Chapter 4, section 5, of the Prolegomena:
"Those forgers so arranged among themselves...if but one of the monuments which they have invented falls away, the whole must necessarily collapse..yet it is ...their mutual consent-which shows the fraud. "
Selected Quotes from Jean Hardouin [
Hardouin, Jean. Prolegomena to a Censure of Old Writers. 1766.
2010 Dr. Hermann Detering Print & Publishing: Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt.
- “Soon, unless God avert the ill, the whole Christian world will become atheist against its will.” (6)
- “In the point of fact, the fellow who assumed and bares the name “Augustine”
teaches absolute atheism under the guise of Christian language.” (9)
- “God they have none, except for the ‘Nature of Things;’ others call it mere ‘Ens,’ or ‘Essence...or formal Reality, Unity, and Truth of essences, and their Permanence in that unity and truth... apart from any metaphysical composition.” (13)
- “Thence they founded a metaphysical system of religion, dealing with the doctrine of the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Eucharist, and the other Sacraments--of Grace, Justification, and other capital points of religion, as far as men could do so who had no true God.” (12)
- “They desired it to be believed that there was no God but Nature; who was the framer of the Universe by necessary and immutable laws of motion, and also the ruler of minds by natural light--the light of Truth, as they call it.” (13)
- “...God is either...’the All,’ or the necessary rectitude of ‘the All,’ according to the rules of Mechanics, Geometry, Prudence, and Truth, so that they might be reckoned Christians who cultivated and preached Truth.” (13)
- “The Christian Religion is the religion of the true God. It ought, therefore, in all its doctrines show the characters of a religion which worships the true God...They ought not to be such as they would be if there were no true God at all; if there were but Nature instead of God, or the natural Light of Reason or of Truth.” (14)
- “For example: We believe Christ to be in the Eucharist...the impious Sect to whom I have referred teaches that this transmutation takes place in the mind of believers by pious thought, which they call the ‘operation of the Holy Spirit.’ And why? Because these sectarians do not believe there is any God!” (14)
- “First and above all, the careful desires of the impious gang was to deprave the Sacred Scriptures, because it utterly made an end of their impious principles. They had to make it agree with them. And so their first and chief task was to learn the Sacred Scriptures by heart,
to weave Concordances and to make out Commentaries, to corrupt the text, to leave no jot or tittle intact that might be opposed to their principles; to depart as far as possible from the Vulgate Edition; and because they could not adulterate that Book, because they knew it was against them...
they had to feign that it was recent, as compared with the Greek Books (Codices), which they declared to be far more ancient!” (51)
“The impious band, having no hope of corrupting the sacred Latin Books,
which were in everybody’s hands, turned their attention to the making of Greek Books, and to the adulteration of Hebrew copies, which they wrote in elegant calligraphy. They also corrupted Latin books, which they hid in Libraries; because the old Vulgate could not be snatched from the hands of the whole Christian people, everywhere diffused...their design being to take them out thence at suitable times, like weapons from armouries, with the object of attacking the Catholic faith.” (52)
“They also invented various readings in the Greek Codices (or Manuscripts) that they might persuade readers that there had been the like in Latin books in days of yore; and that these Various Readings existed in books which they had laid up in Libraries. And now
any rogue or liar may invent the like various readings, as they call them!” (53)
“The wicked faction invented the suspicions against the accuracy and certainty of the Vulgate Edition, intact and sound though it may be; hoping that their forged MSS.,
laid up on the shelves of the Libraries, might obtain authority partly from their alleged antiquity, partly from the testimony of other books.” (54)
“In that impious hypothesis from which it follows that the written word of God is nothing but the word of universal Reason…” (56)
“If there is no God, as the impious crew would have you believe, but the Nature of things, and the natural light, which is Right Reason; and there is no other Christian Religion than obedience to Right Reason, which may be (123) called philosophy, since Right Reason is also Truth and Wisdom; it follows that all those who obey Right Reason and natural light are Christians. Therefore very many pagans were Christian, although without God, as Paul affirms. For this reason the forgers found it expedient to write Greek and Roman History, full of the vices of Princes and People, full of homicides, slaughter, impurities of every kind, their object being to prevent readers from supposing them to have been Christians.
They must therefore be represented as not having lived under the guidance of reason.” (124)
“Numberless Codices still lie hid in the Libraries of perhaps four hundred years old (there are none, except a few sacred Codices, older) ; they have not yet seen the light. Tell me, because they have been in the shade for four hundred years, have they any authority from the fact that through so many years none has convicted them of falsehood? It would be a folly to say so!” (145)
“The gang of forgers had Alphabets and Inks in both tongues, Greek and Latin, and parchments to suit every age….show the same form of writing, the same character; simply because the writers had the same alphabet before their eyes...So alike is the character everywhere, you might swear that that all these Codices came, not only out of one workshop, but from one hand; of if from many, certainly from those who had the same alphabet before their eye--or form of letters which they accurately preserved in painting each…” (152)
“What you read of in books as Heresies are fictions, invented for the purpose of being opposed, and so establishing Atheism.” (154)
“It is, again, clear that these heresies were feigned and fabulous, from that fact they nowhere existed in the world;
none renew them, and this because they are fatuous and insane, and invented with the sole object that, by opposing them in definitions of Councils, and in special controversial writings, impiety may be suggested.” (155)
“Ought not every one to wonder at the alleged fact that the Heresies sprang up in the order in which divers tracts on Religion may be arranged in schools?” (155)
Walter Haug
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Walter Haug *1945 [Wössingen, Germany]
Haug is a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Walter Haug [
K. Walter Haug teaches German and Fine Arts and works as a Journalist, author and critic. Since the 1980s he researches ancient astronomy, ley-lines, megalithic culture and chronological problems. Since 1990 he specializes on cairns in Kraichgau and Zabergäu (Germany) and terraced pyramids in Germany.
Since 2006, Haug participates in the drilling and electromagnetic measuring of tomb chambers in Germany, together with the Institut for Geophysics of the Karlsruhe University. He supports the privately funded detection of gamma rays at the Bärenstein in Horn (Westphalia, Germany)
Selected Publications:
2003: Die Entdeckung deutscher Pyramiden - ein archäologischer Reiseführer. Cernunnos Verlag (Paris)
* Haug, Walter [
archive.is/tW62e], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
Runes and the Etruscian-Venetian Alphabet A problem for chronology and for the theory of communication" (by K. Walter Haug) (via yrotsih.com) [
Haumann, Raphael [
archive.is/6o6Eg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Haßler, Ludwig A. [
archive.is/9w5Gl], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heinitz, Volker [
archive.is/ZQpvK], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gunnar Heinsohn
* biography at [
archive.is/gjZ1o], and at [

* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Gunnar Heinsohn (b. 1943, Gdingen [Gdynia]). Lives in Bremen, Germany.
Dr. Heinsohn studied Philosophie, Economy and Sociology in Berlin, and obtained his PhD in 1973. Since 1984 he was professor at the University Bremen (Germany). He is one of the first German critics of chronology and was in 1982 co-founder, together with Ch. Marx, Ch. Blöss and H. Illig, of the Society for the Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature (GRMNG).
His first chronological book The Sumerians never existed (1988) (see review here [
archive.is/kJvCD]), based on clear historical and, above all, stratigraphical facts, showed that the History of Mesopotamia and Egypt is 2000 years too long, being the mistake due to the dates of the Bible. Heinsohn has published also books about the Egypt, about the Middle Ages, the persecution of witches, the history of religion and the development of money.
Selected Publications:
- 1988: Die Sumerer gab es nicht (Eichborn Verlag)
- 1990: Wann lebten die Pharaonen? (with H. Illig)
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn" (retrieved 2017-10-30, en.wikipedia.org) [
* Heinsohn, Gunnar [
archive.is/O64ks], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* (v2.nl) [
* Photo (2009, via jungefreiheit.de) [
archive.is/YTeCw], another photo [
A (limited) Bibliography of works associated with chronological reappraisal, consisting of English-language materials -* "
The Restoration of Ancient History" (by Gunnar Heinsohn; via specialtyinterests.net/heinsohn.html) [archive.is/9Galq], abstract:
Did the historians of classical Greece merely leave us lies and fantasies about all the major empires, nations and events of antiquity?
Or: How to reconcile archaeologically-missing historical periods with historically-unexpected archaeological strata of the ancient world.
I. Summary.
II. The sequence of ancient empires with the center in Assyria as it was taught by Greek historians since the time of Hekateios (-560/550 to -500/494).
III. Archaeologically-missing history and historically-unexpected archaeology in major areas of antiquity.
IV. How could historical periods so well known from Greek authors be shown to be "elusive", whereas in the very same territories modern archaeology revealed sensationally ancient civilizations unknown before the late 19th century?
V. Reconnecting occidental and oriental progress of civilization.
VI. The restoration of ancient Israel by abandoning fundamentalist dates of historical biblical narratives and pseudo-scholarly dates of strata in the land of Israel.
VII. Left: Professor Gunnar Heinsohn, 1943 - ??Synchronization of ancient Eurasian chronology with the chronology of ancient China.
In the last 150 years the learned world was time and again struck by the discovery of lost nations and forgotten empires which were so ancient that even the best historians of antiquity had never heard of them. This caused great surprise because these superancient civilizations were found in territories which were otherwise well known to the historians of Classical and Hellenistic Greece. Yet, the surprise did not end there. The nations and empires which were described by the classical authors in great detail could hardly be verified by the spade. One and a half centuries of excavations, thus, brought as much desperation as it did provide success stories for European scholars. [...]

Also see "
Origins of The Controversy", set of articles by Gunnar Heinsoln at Q-mag.org [
archive.is/XC2Gl], included in this bibliography.
* "
The 1st Millennium AD Chronology Controversy" set of articles at Q-mag.org [
archive.is/9z9FH], introduction: "
In a Nutshell: The Revised Chronology of the First Millennium AD" (2015-04) (.pdf) [
is.gd/vVB5SK] -
According to mainstream chronology, major European cities should exhibit – separated by traces of
crisis and destruction – distinct building strata groups for the three urban periods of some 230 years that are unqestionably built in Roman styles with Roman materials and technologies (Antiquity/A > Late Antiquity/LA > Early Middle Ages/EMA). None of the ca. 2,500 Roman cities known so far has the expected three strata groups super-imposed on each other. Dissidents of the Illig-School expect only two strata groups (A > LA). They delete the EMA-evidence, i.e. shorten the 1st millennium by some 300 years (600s-900s). Yet, even a city with just two super-imposed Roman building strata groups separated by, e.g., dark earth has never been found. Any city (covering, at least, the periods from Antiquity to the High Middle Ages HMA; 10th/11th c.) has just one (A or LA or EMA) distinct building strata group in Roman format (with, of course, internal evolution, repairs etc.). Therefore, all three urban realms labeled as A or LA or EMA existed simultaneously, side by side in the Imperium Romanum. None can be deleted. All three realms (if their cities continue at all) enter HMA in tandem, i.e. all belong to the 700-930s period that ended in a global catastrophe. This parallelity not only explains the mind-boggling absence of technological and archaeological evolution over 700 years but also solves the enigma of Latin’s linguistic petrification between the 1st/2nd and 8th/9th c. CE. Both text groups are contemporary.
The stunning 700 years between codification and vocalization (200/900 CE) of the Hebrew Bible
disappear in the same process of adjusting our chronology to the hard evidence of stratigraphy.
- High Middle Ages (HMA) / Radical break with Roman urbanism and technology.
- 10th-Century-Crisis with traces of catastrophe, like dark earth etc. (930s ff.). / Half a century (930s-980s) without any scholarly writing. Celestial globes, e.g., that are materially or textually attested for in A and EMA, do not reappear before the 16th c. CE.
- Early Middle Ages (EMA; 700s-930s CE) / Examples: Preslav (Bulgaria) [
archive.is/mM4aV], Ingelheim (Charlemagne villa) [
- 7th-Century-Intermediate / New roads of unaltered Roman structure (e.g. Fürholzen [Germany]). Yet, there are no A or LA roads stratigraphically below the new one, and no new cities where these hightech roadways could have led to.
- 6th-Century-Crisis with traces of catastrophe, like dark earth etc. (520s ff.) / Crisis should be visible by new styles and a clear stratigraphical break between LA and EMA cities. Yet, EMA has unaltered Roman designs that are never found above dark earth etc. spread over A or LA strata.
- Late Antiquity (LA; 290s-520s) / Examples: Constantinople [
archive.is/xES9Q] , Sirmium (Serbia) [

- 3rd-Century-Crisis with traces of catastrophe, like dark earth etc. (230s ff.) / Crisis should be visible by new styles and a clear stratigraphical break between LA and EMA cities. Yet, LA has unaltered Roman urbanism that is never found above dark earth etc. spread over A Roman cities.
- Antiquity (A; 1-230s) / Examples: Rome [
archive.is/LEHaQ] , Tarraco (Spain) [
[End Chronological Table]
- "
The Creation of the First Millennium" full article (.pdf) [
is.gd/DIJZd3], intro (q-mag.org): Gunnar Heinsohn just finished his newest work (in German), "Wieviel Jahre Hat Das Erste Jahrtausend?" ("How many years in the First Millennium?"), a 500-page challenge to the established chronology of the First Millennium A.D. We bring here, as an avant-première, an article in english by the author (with the friendly assistance of Clark Whelton), exposing aspects of the book's main theses.
The Controversy" set of correspondence -
- Trevor Palmer Challenges "
Gunnar Heinsohn's Latest: The Creation of the First Millennium" [
archive.fo/7ugyQ], incl. "The Chronology of Europe from the Reign of Septimius Severus to that of Maurice, according to Sources from the Fourth to the Ninth Centuries"
- Gunnar Heinsohn's Answer to Trevor Palmer: "
Rome's Stratigraphy belongs into the 8th-10th Century A.D." [
- Jan Beaufort, in Support of Gunnar Heinsohn: "
Conspiracy or Religious History? Some Objections to Trevor Palmer's hasty classification of the Heinsohn-Thesis as conspiracy theory" intro [
is.gd/BF1UOC], full report (.pdf) [
- Trevor Palmer's Response to Gunnar Heinsohn [
archive.fo/WSPIK], Trevor Palmer's biography [
- Gunnar Heinsohn's 2nd answer to Trevor Palmer: "
Did European civilization collapse three times during the 1st Millennium AD?" (.pdf) [
- Ewald Ernst: "
Toppling Rome's Obelisks and Aqueducts", a comment on Trevor Palmer's review of Gunnar Heinsohn's new 1st Millennium AD chronology (.pdf) [
is.gd/sEqNoP]. Ewald Ernst (b.1945; Berlin) majored, in 1973, in architecture at RWTH-Aachen-University, Germany’s leading institute of technology. During his studies as well as in his professional career as an construction engineer he had the chance to visit the most important Greek and Roman sites in Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa and the Near East. He specialized in ancient Roman architecture, building technologies, and construction materials (hydraulic cement, wall elements etc.). He pioneered in researching Roman settlements east of the Limes (2006 lecture on “Roman buldings on the Weser River“). In 2008 he received government permission to excavate the „Hohlweg [ravine] an der Grossen Egge“ (Teutoburg Forest) through which a Roman street had passed. (See here [
- Michael Baillie: "
Tree-ring and Radiocarbon Rebuttal of Gunnar's Phantom Time Hypothesis" (.pdf) [
- See also: A Carbon-14 Chronology (via malagabay.wordpress.com) [
- an answer to Michael Baillie: "
Archaeological Strata vs. Tree-rings: proposal for an experiment" full article (.pdf) [
is.gd/3n5RW8], intro [
archive.fo/aBT24]: Tree-ring-daters do not agree on the number of years that can be substantiated for the 1st millennium CE. The majority is convinced that they have 1,000 characteristic rings that prove the 1,000 years required for a millennium, confirmed down to the last second by C14. Therefore, they are convinced that scholars living after the year 1000 CE had all the instruments available to construct the chronology from 1-1000 CE as dendro-chronologists find them in their textbooks. The full 1,000 year time-span did not go unchallenged.
Mainstream dendro-chronologists and dissidents alike, however, fail to inform the public that nowhere in the world has anyone ever discovered a single site that has building strata for a thousand years (intersected by three cataclysms) or for 782/703 years (intersected by at least two cataclysms) respectively, with remains of trees whose rings could be counted and sequenced, and whose organic substance could be carbon-dated.
- Articles at malagabay.wordpress.com [
archive.is/43h2b], with "
A Carbon-14 Chronology" [
archive.is/xfuuI], and "
Dendrochronology – The MAD Carbon-14 Consensus" [
* "
Wrecked Metropolises of the 1st Millennium: a comparison" (by Gunnar Heinsohn) (.pdf) [
is.gd/0xqLJY], intro (q-mag.org) [
* "
Ephesus in the 1st Millennium: was it destroyed three times, or only once?" (by Gunnar Heinsohn) (.pdf) [
is.gd/GW6GUN], intro (q-mag.org) [
* "
Smothered Roman cities", from Introduction to "From Nero to Charlemagne" (2012-02) [
* "
Charlemagne's Correct Place in History" (2014-03) [
* "
How did so many Roman elements (1st-3rd cent. AD) make into the Viking age (8th-10th cent AD)?" (2015-05) conference presentation [
is.gd/e0yCgu], intro (q-mag.org):
- How could Scandinavian and Baltic peoples of Antiquity and Late Antiquity fail to adopt sails, ports and breakwaters when there were countless experts from Europe who could teach them, and even low-value Roman coins spread throughout their territories?
- How could these peoples, after 700 CE, become the world‘s uncontested master seafarers when – after the lethal and irreversible fall of Roman civilization – there was nobody left to teach them?
- How could they understand classical Latin and create items of Antiquity and Late Antiquity – which they imitated perfectly, right down to the chemical fingerprints of Roman paints and glass pastes – when they did not even have ancient strata beneath their habitats from which they could dig up and copy the material culture of Rome?
- How could Arabs of Antiquity and Late Antiquity, the Vikings‘ trading partners, fail, for some 700 years, to write texts or issue coins when there were countless experts all over the Mediterranean who could teach them such basics?
- How, after 700 CE, could the Arabs become uncontested masters of these cultural techniques when Roman civilization had been crushed, and there were no specialists left to teach them these skills?
- How is it possible that sites devastated in the 3rd c. exhibit the same architecture and crafts as early medieval sites devastated in the 10th c. CE?
- How can one explain that sites dated to Antiquity (1st-3rd c.) are as stratigraphically close to the High Middle Ages (10th/11th c.) as Early Medieval sites if they are not contemporary?
* "
Why did Christianity spread so slowly across Europe in the First Millennium A.D.?" (.pdf) [
* "
Vikings without towns, harbors and sails... for 700 years?" (.pdf) [
* "
Islam and Arab Chronology - were Arabs really ignorant of writing and coinage for 700 years?" (.pdf) [
* "
Bulgaria's Early Medieval Cities of Pliska and Preslav: were they really built to resemble 700-year older Roman cities?" (2015-03) [
* "
Mieszko I, destructions, and Slavic mass conversions to Christianity" (2014-01-02) (.pdf) [
* "
The Winchester of Alfred the Great and the Haithabu of his voyager Wulfstan: were they separated by 700 years?" full report (.pdf) [
is.gd/qNRDAB], intro: According to a report published together with Alfred the Great’s (871-899 CE) translation of Paulus Orosius’ (385-410 CE) Histories, Wulfstan, the Early Middle Ages‘ most famous ocean voyager, around 880 CE, went “from Haethum (Haithabu / Hedeby) to Truso in seven days and nights, and that the ship was running under sail all the way. Weonodland was on his right, and Langland, Laeland, Falster, and Sconey on his left, all which land is subject to Denmark. Then on our left we had the land of the Burgundians (Bornholm; GH), who have a king to themselves. Then, after the land of the Burgundians, we had on our left the lands that have been called from the earliest times Blekingey, and Meore, and Eowland, and Gotland all which territory is subject to the Sweons; and WEONODland was all the way on our right, as far as Weissel (Vistula; GH) mouth. The Weissel is a very large river, and near it lie Witland and WEONODland" (King Alfred, The Geography of Europe, in Hakluyt 1893).
* "
Sarmatians, Huns and Khazars: were they one and the same Confederation?" full report (.pdf)[
is.gd/UX0drc], intro: The origin of the 8th-10th c. Khazars is hidden in obscurity, though they are also called “Huns“ (by Theophanes the Confessor, 758/60-817/818 CE) or by Moses of Kalankatuk (10th c.). The ancestors of this ubiquituously tribute-collecting power are even believed to “have belonged to the empire of the Huns“ (JVB 2008), although they had to wait another mysterious 300 years before they could actually rule the Hunnic realm: “Very little (was known) about the Khazars – about their traditions, their funerary rites, their culture" until, in one of their fortresses, Atil, the excavators have found Hunnic-like “huts similar to yurts, which are characteristics of Khazar cities“ (Dmitry Vasilyev 2008).
* "
Goths of the 4th Century And Getae of the 1st Century - were they one and the same?" full report (.pdf) [
is.gd/9RI9UI], intro: Since the Gothic-Getic cultures of Wielbark-Vistula and of Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov are contemporary, its 5,000 known sites were not annihilated by Huns (entering alliances with Goths) but struck simultaneously by the global conflagration that wiped out Rome and the ca 5,000 towns and cities (plus many of ca. 20,000 villae rusticae) of the Imperium Romanum. That devastation did not occur three times: in the 230s in Italy, in the 530s around Constantinople, and in the 930s in the Slavic Northeast (plus the Scandinavian Northwest and the Mesopotamian Southeast). Actually, we are looking at just one cataclysm that occurred, according to stratigraphy, simultaneously everywhere around the 930s CE.
* "
The Restoration of Ancient History: Did the historians of classical Greece merely leave us lies and fantasies about all the major empires, nations and events of antiquity? Or: How to reconcile archaeologically-missing historical periods with historically-unexpected archaeological strata of the ancient world" [
- At the 1994 International Symposium on Velikovsky [
archive.fo/FwGkk] [
* "
Stratigraphy and Chronology of Ancient Jerusalem" (2009, by Gunnar Heinsoln) (via newchronology, yrotsih.com) [
is.gd/g0S57M], Introduction by newchronology, as suggested by Peter Winzeler, Oct 12th, 2009: Pertaining to his uninterrupted research in early history of the Near East and especially of ancient Mesopotamia laid out in his book "Die Sumerer gab es nicht" (The Sumerians never existed, first edition: Frankfurt on Main 1988, improved edition with actualized preface and English summary: Gräfelfing near Munich 2007), Gunnar Heinsohn projects a stratigraphical scheme of Jerusalem based on solid evidence and information found in antique Greek authors which is presented here together with one of his letters to the North American researcher Milton Zysman. As regards the vehemently shortening chronology, Heinsohn uses many commonly known architectural and ceramic discoveries which surprisingly match the biblical and cuneiform texts regarding King David, as Peter Winzeler (see his article in German on this site) has presented for Egyptian Amarna, Israel, and the Hittite empire. Though both authors are exchanging their views on this subject by thesis and antithesis since long time, essential viewpoints and basic conceptions had been developed independently from each other in their own specific fields of learning. Regarding some details and the absolute chronology of ancient Near East there is still more to be discussed. Nevertheless Winzeler regards Heinsohns draft "the actually best working model in order to rewrite real history for Israel on the ground of stratigraphical evidence."
- "
Why Gunnar Heinsohn Does Not Understand Stratigraphy" (2011-12-24, againstjebelallawz.wordpress.com) [
- "
The Ultimate Conflater" (2011-12-21, againstjebelallawz.wordpress.com) [
More at Q-mag.org [
archive.is/AZQrw], including:
* "
The Creation of the Gods - Sacrifice as the Origin of Religion" in six installments at Q-mag.org [
- Intro: "Did we sacrifice to the gods, or did we deify the sacrificed?" [
- Go to the 1st installment (.pdf) [
- Go to the 2nd installment (.pdf) [
- Go to the 3rd Installment (.pdf) [
- Go to the 4th Installment (.pdf) [
- Go to the 5th Installment (.pdf) [
- Go to the 6th Installment (.pdf) [
- Table of Contents [
- Gunnar Heinsohn biography [
* "
What happened on July 21, 365 A.D.?" (2016, q-mag.org) [
archive.is/TgRKU] [begin excerpt]:
As pointed out by Gunnar Heinsohn, the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus (325/330-after 391 A.D.) describes in precise and vivid terms a tsunami which has been dated to have occurred on July 21, 365 A.D. (from Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History, Book XXVI., Ch. 10, 15619; translated by C. D. Yonge):

15. While the usurper, whose various acts and death we have been relating, was still alive, on the 21st of July, in the first consulship of Valentinian and his brother, fearful dangers suddenly overspread the whole world, such as are related in no ancient fables or histories.
16. For a little before sunrise there was a terrible earthquake, preceded by incessant and furious lightning. The sea was driven backwards, so as to recede from the land, and the very depths were uncovered, so that many marine animals were left sticking in the mud. And the depths of its valleys and the recesses of the hills, which from the very first origin of all things had been lying beneath the boundless waters, now beheld the beams of the sun.
17. Many ships were stranded on the dry shore, while people straggling about the shoal water picked up fishes and things of that kind in their hands. In another quarter the waves, as if raging against the violence with which they had been driven back, rose, and swelling over the boiling shallows, beat upon the islands and the extended coasts of the mainland, levelling cities and houses wherever they encountered them. All the elements were in furious discord, and the whole face of the world seemed turned upside down, revealing the most extraordinary sights.
18. For the vast waves subsided when it was least expected, and thus drowned many thousand men. Even ships were swallowed up in the furious currents of the returning tide, and were seen to sink when the fury of the sea was exhausted; and the bodies of those who perished by shipwreck floated about on their backs or faces.
19. Other vessels of great size were driven on shore by the violence of the wind, and cast upon the house-tops. as happened at Alexandria; and some were even driven two miles inland, of which we ourselves saw one in Laconia, near the town of Mothone, which was lying and rotting where it had been driven.
[Photo caption]: Emperor Julian the Apostate wearing a philosopher's robe (Musée du Louvre). His death in 363 A.D. allowed for the catastrophe of July 21, 365, to be variously interpreted as a punishment and warning, should anyone consider following in his footsteps, or as a mourning of all of nature over this last great hope of Greco-Roman paganism.
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Paper-making's mysterious 700 years of secrecy" (q-mag.org) [
archive.is/pVmqO]: The countless cultural similarities between Han and Tang –– separated by some 700 years –– are well known (M OU Fa-song 2004). Much less understood is why Tang settlements are nowhere found super-imposed on Han settlements though the former had occupied prime space locations. Michael Sinclair Sanders greatly helped to confirm this [
archive.is/TgmxR]. In actual fact, Han and Tang share the same stratigraphic plane, i.e. are historically parallel... Go to Gunnar Heinsohn's article (.pdf) (direct link) [
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Tenth Century Collapse From the Vikings to the Tiwanaku..." (q-mag.org) [
archive.is/XTYVI]: Mostly within the last fifteen years, many North and East European regions – stretching from Norway via the Baltic to the Black Sea – have been researched for traces of the vast wipeout of the 930s (give or take a decade). The depopulations have been as severe as in areas tied to the 3rd or the 6th c. plagues. Yet, written sources pointing to the causes or consequences of the 10th c. mass deaths appear to be missing entirely. That is surprising because the events are much closer in time to us than the 3rd and 6th c. disasters for which written sources are available. However, there appears to be evidence for a major outbreak of y.pestis-plague peaking at the end of the “733–960 AD” time span... Go to Gunnar Heinsohn's article (.pdf) [
http://web.archive.org/web/20171116034102/http://www.q-mag.org:80/_iserv/dlfiles/dl.php?ddl=q-mag-gunnar-10thcentury.pdf]. Image caption: The Viking harbor of Trusö (Poland) disappeared under soil around the 10th century AD.
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Felix Romuliana Does the model city of Late Antiquity really belong to the 4th-6th cent. AD?" (via q-mag.org) [
is.gd/iX9Alb], introduction [
is.gd/BtWstf]: Felix Romuliana is regarded as an ideal embodiment of a purely Late Antique (4th-6th c.) city in the Roman province of Moesia (today's Gamzigrad in Serbia), because in the earlier Imperial Antiquity of the 1st to early 3rd centuries there appears to be simply nothing at all in that splendid urban space erected around 305 CE for Emperor Galerius (293-311 CE).
* "
Arthur of Camelot and Aththe of Camulodunum" (by Gunnar Heinsohn, via q-mag.org) [
“It seems probable that Camelot, Chrétien de Troyes’ [c. 1140-1190 AD] name for Arthur's Court, is derived directly from Camelod-unum, the name of Roman Colchester. The East Coast town was probably well-known to this French poet, though whether he knew of any specific associations with Arthur is unclear. […] John Morris [1973] suggests that Camulodunum might actually have been the High-King Arthur's Eastern Capital” (David Nash Ford 2000).
"I think we can dispose of him [Arthur] quite briefly. He owes his place in our history books to a 'no smoke without fire' school of thought. [...] The fact of the matter is that there is no historical evidence about Arthur; we must reject him from our histories and, above all, from the titles of our books" (David N. Dumville 1977, 187 f.)
Go to the article in (.pdf) [
Image caption: Aththe Domaros coin
* "
Slavic chronological enigmas solved: Poland's Krakow in the 1st Millennium AD" (by Gunnar Heinsohn, via q-mag.org) [archive.is/p14Ll]: The Archaeological Museum of Kraków (Poland) is to be commended for its chronological honesty. Though its curators do not deviate from chronological dogma, they refuse to report settlement strata that cannot be found in the city’s ground. Therefore, their exhibits for the 1st millennium AD jump from the 2nd right into the 9th century AD, with nothing to show for the 700 years in between. Yet, the prudent approach of Kraków’s historians is not only required by the scarcity of consecutive –– i.e. evolutionary ––-superimposed settlement strata for the 1-930 AD time-span. It also allows for the solution of major enigmas in Poland’s history.
The article in (.pdf) [
From (2010-q-conference.com):
* "
Thrice Burned: Shahr-I Sokhte in the Sistan-Basin" (.pdf) [
From (2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com):
* "
Scythian Kurgans and the 'Royal Tombs of Ur' " (.pdf) [
* "
On the antiquity of hominids" [
is.gd/BHVThH]. Heinsohn is not putting an exact age on the Neanderthal die-out; what he is saying is that there is no legitimate interpretation of existing evidence which would indicate that they died out any more than four or five thousand years ago.
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Londinium’s Dendrochronology" (2018-06-18, via malagabay.wordpress.com) [
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Comments on 300 Year Repeaters" (2018-04-19, malagabay.wordpress.com) [
* "
Gunnar Heinsohn: Finding Bede’s Missing Metropolis" (2018-05-21, via malagabay.wordpress.com), part 1 [
archive.is/QFml2], part 2 [

Also see "
The Destruction of Ancient Rome" (2018-04-01, malagabay.wordpress.com) [

* "
Heinsohn's Ancient 'History' " (1999, by Ev Cochrane, for Aeon magazine) (.pdf) [
Heinsohn, Henning [
archive.is/sBIXb], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heinsohn, Imme [
archive.is/iU2MA], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heinsohn, Ruth [
archive.is/wMmZX], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heinsohn, Ulf [
archive.is/Xsmp0], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heise, Gerhard [
archive.is/Yu1qH], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Helbig, Dieter [
archive.is/qdFRr], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Helck, Wolfgang [
archive.is/fukF9], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Henkel, Martin [
archive.is/Gaj6c], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Henkel, Michael [
archive.is/V6YkX], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hertel, Peter [
archive.is/KVSx7], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heske, Immo [
archive.is/y9Sl8], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hierl-Deronco, Norbert [
archive.is/LYxyO], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hildebrandt, Dieter [
archive.is/AcxmP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Polydore Hochart
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Polydore Hochart *1831-1916 [Bordeaux] Lived in Bordeaux, France
Polydore Hochart is born in 1831 in Bordeaux/France and tought French at a High School there. His scandalizing and enlightening book about the falsification of Tacitus was printed in 1890 in Bordeaux, edited by Ernest Thorin of Paris. Before that dramatic and rousing work Hochart had written other books about the life of Seneca and the invention of the persecution of Christians under Nero.
We can assume that the books of Hochart were suppressed and forgotten because there was no alternative to silence them as they show remarkable knowledge which is difficult to defeat. Known is also a letter to the Abbe Anziani published in the Annuary of the University of Bordeau in 1890.
Hochart published some of his books under pseudonym as H. Dacbert. He died in 1916.
Selected Publications:
1884: Sénèque et la mort d' Agrippine:étude historique / par H. Dacbert [i. e. Polydore Hochart] (E. J. Brill, Leiden und E. Lechevalier, Paris)
1885: Études sur la vie de Sénéque (Ernest Leroux, Paris) 285 S.
1888: Études d'histoire religieuse (Bordeaux) 419 S. (und Leroux Paris 1890)
1890: De l’autenticité des annales et des histoires de Tacite (Paris) 340 S.
1894: Nouvelles considérations au sujet des Annales et des Histoires de Tacite (Thorin et fils, Paris) 293 S.
Hofer, H. [
archive.is/ZPRMb], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hoffmann, Meinhard [
archive.is/N3RAc], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hoffmann, Volker [
archive.is/ChRod], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hofman, Karl [
archive.is/eJQ0f], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Holm, Kerstin [
archive.is/2XQOg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Holthaus, Hellmut [
archive.is/EnbpB], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Holz, Hans Martin [
archive.is/HWnjF], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Honsel, Elisabeth [
archive.is/7zHI1], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Horst, Ernst [
archive.is/xc18n], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Huber, Heinz-Georg [
archive.is/WQmxJ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Hölzl, Josef [
archive.is/nwlXM], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Heribert Illig

* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Heribert Illig *1947 [Vohenstrauß, Germany] Lives in Gräfelfing (München), Germany
Illig, who owns a PhD, lives as a analyst and publisher in Gräfelfing (Munich, Germany). 1982 he was, together with Ch. Marx, Ch. Blöss und G. Heinsohn, one of the founders and secretary of the Society for Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature (GRMNG). Since 1989 he publishes together with Heinsohn the quarterly bulletin "Vorzeit-Frühzeit-Gegenwart" (VFG, 'Prehistory - Protohistory-Present'), in 1995 renamed as "Zeitensprünge (ZS, "Time Bolts "), which in the early 1990s was an important platform for nearly every author active in the chronology debate.
Due to his participation in mass media debates, Illig is one of the best known German authors among the critics of History. Since 1994 he supports the idea that the Middle Ages were stretched by 297 years, so that the years between 614 and 911 AD should be cut out to restore the real timeframe. First a courageous, even shocking, idea, this theory is today considered conservative by many critical authors, because it considers the History before 614 as correctly documented.
Illig runs the Mantis Verlag, which publishes many books about chronological research.
Selected Publications:
1988: Die veraltete Vorzeit
1994: Hat Karl der Große je gelebt?
1999: Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?
* Illig, Heribert [
archive.is/YVGy7], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
Anomalous Eras - Best Evidence: Best Theory (The Invented Middle Ages)" (2005, by Heribert Illig) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Christian Era Is Too Long" (by Herbert Illig) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
There are only 1330 years between the calendar reforms of Caesar and Gregory XIII; Calendar studies prove that the thesis of the Invented Middle Ages is correct" (by Heribert Illig) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The vision of Heribert IIIig" side-panel to the article "
Das Erfundene Mittelalter. De verzonnen middeleeuwen. (The fictional Middle Ages)" (noviomagus.info) [

In 1996 Illig first published his theory for the general public. This was evolved in the period 1991-1996 from a large number of journal articles written by him and others and two self-published books about this period.
His thesis boils down briefly in the early Middle Ages, a period of about 300 years (clarified to 297 years from September 614 to August 911) does not exist.
In the actual implementation of our era (in years after Christ's birth), which until well after the year 1000 broadly in Europe took place, this mistake would have been made deliberately. The events and people who have since been placed in that period are copied, completely fictional or moved to that period. The best known of these people, especially in our region, is Charlemagne.
But: Charlemagne was not German, but a Frenchman!
A question of deceit!
The placement of Charlemagne in Germany is based on deception, as well as his alleged palace in Nijmegen. There he has never been. There is also never found a trace of an 8th century palace, which was built in the year 777.
The portrait of Charles the Great, as he is usually portrayed (see above), is also cheating.
What's wrong with this picture?
1. This portrait of Charlemagne was painted by the German artist Albrecht Dürer in the 16th century. That's seven centuries after the fact.
2. Charlemagne are no contemporary images. The face is a fantasy of Dürer.
3. The crown on the head dates from the 11th century, which is two centuries after Charlemagne.
4. The shields (with German eagle and French lily), the casing and the frame are typical late medieval and certainly not from the time of Charlemagne.
* "
Karl der Große hat nie gelebt! (Charlemagne never lived!)" (2014-01-28, abendzeitung-muenchen.de) [
* "
Illig's Hypothesis on Phantom Times - FAQ (30 questions about chronology)" (by Jan Beaufort) [
Polemics against:
* "
Refutation of the thesis of 297 phantom years: Refutation of Dr. Heribert Illig's thesis of 297 phantom years in the Middle Ages" (by Uwe Topper, Dr. Ulrich Voigt) (via ilya.it) [
* "
Heribert Illig’s Theory of Invented Time" (2010-10-16, arthurgoldwag.wordpress.com) [
* "
Illig's Invented History: On Heribert Illig's Theory of Invented Time" (philjohn.com) page 1 [
http://is.gd/xLeLvw], page 2 [
Edwin Johnson
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Edwin Johnson 1842 - 1901 [England]
Johnson worked as a professor for Classic Literature at New College in South Hampstead, England. He started analysing the Bible in a critical way, following the path of Baur and Harnack. From 1894 onwards, once retired, Johnson, who had already received harsh critics after publishing some of his new ideas, wrote the result of his life-long research down in form of a book called "The Pauline Epistles".
The result is quite revolutionary: The Christian church was created in the Benedictine monasteries of France (Paris and Lyon) around 1500. The classical 'Fathers of the Church' were written by poorly skilled monks, the New Testament follows later. There are no older texts, and the content allows to find out the historical moment: the invention of printing. Martin Luther's reform was the first attempt to block the expansion of the French Catholic Church; before that there was no church at all.
These thesis are the most radical ones we know; they are based, however, on Hardouin. Morosov and Fomenko knew Johnson's books and used them for their research. Johnson translated the "Prolegomena" of Hardouin (published by Petherick in Sidney 1909), recently reedited by H. Detering in Germany (2010).
Selected Publications:
1887: Antiqua Mater. A Study of Christian Origins (Trübner; London)
1890: The Rise of Christendom (London)
1894: The Pauline Epistles (Watts, London)
* "
Edwin Johnson (historian)" (retrieved 2015-10-15, wikipedia.org) [
Edwin Johnson (1842–1901), English historian, is best known for his radical criticisms of Christian historiography, continuing scholarship in the vein of Bruno Bauer, S.A. Naber, and Allard Pierson.[citation needed] Among his works are "Antiqua Mater: A Study of Christian Origins" (1887, published in London anonymously) and "The Pauline Epistles: Re-studied and Explained" (1894).

In Antiqua Mater Johnson examines a great variety of sources related to early Christianity "from outside scripture" [
archive.is/8qmZ], coming to the conclusion that there was no reliable documental evidence to prove the existence of Jesus Christ or the Apostles. He asserts that Christianity had evolved from a Jewish Diaspora movement, he provisionally called the Hagioi. They adhered to a liberal interpretation of the Torah with simpler rites and a more spiritualized outlook. Hagioi is a Greek word meaning "saints", "holy ones", "believers", "loyal followers", or "God's people", and was usually used in reference to members of the early Christian communities. It is a term that was frequently used by Paul in the New Testament, and in a few places in Acts of the Apostles in reference to Paul's activities [
Both Gnosticism as well as certain Bacchic pagan cults are also mentioned as likely precursors of Christianity.
In The Pauline Epistles and The Rise of English Culture Johnson made the radical claim that the whole of the so-called Dark Ages between 700 and 1400 A. D. had never occurred, but had been invented by Christian writers who created imaginary characters and events. The Church Fathers, the Gospels, St. Paul, the early Christian texts as well as Christianity in general are identified as mere literary creations and attributed to monks (chiefly Benedictines) who drew up the entire Christian mythos in the early 16th century. As one reviewer said, Johnson "undertakes to abolish all English history before the end of the fifteenth century" [
archive.is/4wxe6]. Johnson contends that before the 'age of publication' and the 'revival of letters' there are no reliable registers and logs, and there is a lack of records and documents with verifiable dates.
References -
- "
Radicalism in England: Johnson from "The Denial of the Historicity of Jesus in Past and Present" by Arthur Drews [
- "
Jesus — One Hundred Years Before Christ" by Alvar Ellegard [
- "
The Abolition of History," The New York Times, May 14, 1904, Page BR328. (.pdf) [
is.gd/cHwEgx] (.jpg) [
* "
Edwin Johnson, A Radical Advocate of Chronology Criticism" (2001, by Uwe Topper; machine translation with some cleanup by Michael Hoffman) [
Bibliography -
* "
The Colloquies of Erasmus" (1878, translated by N. Baily, edited with notes by the Rev. Edward Johnson, M.A.), vol. 1 (.html) [
archive.is/Q6pTI]; vol. 2 (.pdf) [
is.gd/ZtT4HK], other formats [https://archive.org/details/thecolloquies02erasuoft]; vol. 3 (.pdf) [
is.gd/Bp0fpm], other formats [https://archive.org/details/thecolloquies03erasuoft].
* "
The rise of English culture" (1904, with Edward Augustus Petherick) (.pdf) [
is.gd/66fKb4], other formats [https://archive.org/details/riseofenglishcul00johnrich]
* "
Antiqua Mater: A Study of Christian Origins" (1887) (.html) [
is.gd/jh6LOd], (.pdf) [
is.gd/FPLlXQ] [
is.gd/YThvYW], other formats [
* "
The Pauline Epistles - Re-Studied and Explained" (1894, by Edwin Johnson, M.A.) [
is.gd/z0jldg], (.pdf) [
is.gd/OisGMW], Study Version (Michael Hoffman, 2003) [
* The English language translation of "Prolegomena" by Jean Hardouin, original text of the Prolegomena (via babel.hathitrust.org) [
* Theological Translation Fund Library, Vol. 23 & 24: Commentary on The Psalms, by Dr. G. Heinrich A. V. Ewald, Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Gottingen (1880, translated into English by the Rev. E. Johnson, M. A.), vol. 1 (.pdf) [
is.gd/d834Gl], other formats [
is.gd/DOibe5]; vol. 2 (.pdf) [
is.gd/zXV2Ed] [
is.gd/84PfmT], other formats [
* "
The Mouth of Gold: A Series of Dramatic Sketches Illustrating the Life and Times of Chrysostom" (1873, by the Edwin. Johnson) (.pdf) [
is.gd/GHZR3g] [
is.gd/xtxhWH], other formats [
* "
The Rise Of Christendom" (1890) (.pdf) [
is.gd/5U78LU], other formats [
* "
Critical and exegetical hand-book to the Epistle to the Romans" (1884, with the Rev. Edwin Johnson), vol. 1 (.pdf) [
is.gd/SQmTW4], other formats [
is.gd/nhCX3A], vol. 2 (.pdf) [
is.gd/mnlc0W], other formats [
Jung-Huttel, Angelika [
archive.is/BnGa9], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Jünger, Ernst [
archive.is/eSkNS], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Jurisch, Alexander [
archive.is/CqlbQ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kaltenstadler, Wilhelm [
archive.is/26kBT], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wilhelm Kammeier
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Wilhelm Kammeier 1889 - 1959 [Hannover, Germany] Died in Arnstadt, Germany
A school teacher working in Hannover, Kammeier researched since 1923 the German History. In his first book, written in 1926 but only published in 1935, he could show that all diplomas and manuscripts of the Middel Ages are faked. He bases his arguments on a detailed analysis of all known copies and discovers that we never can lay our hand on originals, nor on direct copies of those but only on second or third-hand copies which differ always in certain points... and that seems to be intended. Most of the diplomas mention several dates, but those can never brought into concordance, which is highly suspect.
Kammeiers second work, published first as a series of articles, as book reedited in 1979, showed that the evolution of Christianity cannot have taken place in the way we are told. His work was not recognized by the contemporary scholars and he died in extreme poverty in Thuringia, Germany. It was not until the 1990s, when his books became an important fundament for the critics of chronology.
Selected Publications:
1935: Die Fälschung der deutschen Geschichte (Leipzig; reprint 1980 Wobbenbüll; 11. ed. Viöl 1999)
1936-39: Die Wahrheit über die Geschichte des Mittelalters (Leipzig; Faksimile Wobbenbüll 1979; 3. corr. ed. Viöl 2003)
1956, postum 1981-82: Die Fälschung der Geschichte des Urchristentums (2. ed. Viöl 2001)
Kämmerer, Jens [
archive.is/RBh1a], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Garry Kasparov
* Garry Kasparov Interview from 2001 [
Polemics against Garry Kasparov: Already an internationally-recognized celebrity as the world's top chess player, Garry Kasparov's interest in the subject of New Chronology (as articulated by Foemnko et al.) has brought attention and articles written by those who are mystified why an intellect like that of Garry Kasparov would be interested in New Chronology. The polemics are provided to show counter-arguments.
* "
Kasparov's Mathematics of the Past: Point by Point to the Companion Article, Mathematics of the Past by Garry Kasparov" [
* "
Who Lost the Middle Ages? What's behind the attempt to impose a "New Chronology" on history?" (2001, updated 2004, by Jason Colavito) [
* "
Garry Kasparov and New Chronology" (2014, by Edward Winter) [
Katzinger, Willibald [
archive.is/2uStb], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Keller, Stefan [
archive.is/r8cSx], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kelley, E. Morgan [
archive.is/RLxhT], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Martin Kemp
Not a theoretician for a New Chronology, but whose research may be of some use.
* "
Leonardo's Leda and the Belvedere River Gods: Roman Sources and a New Chronology" by Martin Kemp (art historian) [
archive.is/LfvWL], written jointly with Professor Alastair Smart of Nottingham, published in Art History, II, June 1980, pp. 182–193.
Kerner, Martin [
archive.is/SOciA], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kiefl, Walter [
archive.is/irwHW], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Klamt, Martin [
archive.is/vgbUC], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Klier, Walter [
archive.is/uXsQg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kloppenburg, Franz [
archive.is/UANfC], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Knaust, Manfred [
archive.is/7pssi], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kniep, Klaus [
archive.is/AUHP4], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Knopf, Tobias [
archive.is/0x2fq], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Koch, Heinrich P. [
archive.is/1AHf7], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Koch, Marianne [
archive.is/fr1tu], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Koenen, Krisztina [
archive.is/BEDMp], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kögel, Gerd [
archive.is/GRWPS], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Köhler, Siegwart [
archive.is/u5WDT], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Korth, Hans-Erdmann [
archive.is/qViA7], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Kratzer, Hans [
archive.is/gbXpP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Valery Viktorovich Kubarev
Although associating his scholarly work towards establishing a historical narrative for propagation of a new theology for Russia, the works produced collects information available only in Russian language and provides this information in English.
* "
Chronology of religions" [
* "
Vedas of Russ" [
* "
Golgotha" [
* "
Attila" [
* "
Lupa Capitolina from Volga region" [
* "
Urmans-Romans in Russian, Bulgarian and the Byzantium annals" [
* "
Images ancient Romans from Volga in artefacts" [
* "
Picturesque Gospel of Church of Chora (Kariye) in Istanbul" [
* "
Seleucus and tribal leaders of Rome" [
* "
Baltavar – a symbol of Christianity, an Islam and Judaism" [
* "
Ancient Egypt (1217 B.C. - 1171)" [
* "
History of Russ about 3506 BC till 2012" [
* "
Genealogy and genetics of Princes of Russia" [
* "
Correct DNA-Genealogy and glottochronology" [
* "
Correct genographic" [
* "
Genetic distances between cousins Rurikovich" [
* "
Old Rome and Italic union of the Volga region" [
* "
Wars of Russ in IX-XI centuries" [
* "
Day of Church Slavonic writing. Russ Cyril and Methodius" [
* "
Orthodoxy and Islam in Old Russia" [
* "
True Empty Tomb" [
* "
Church of Barbarians" [
* "
Educated Christianity of Russ" [
* "
Reconstruction of dynastic communications of Rurikovich in IX-XI centuries" [
* "
Hungarian Kingdom of Russ" [
archive.is/mjChN] [
* "
Origin and migration of Slavs" [
* "
Attribution of Rurikovich and Emperors Lecapenus" [
* "
Brief chronology of religions" [
* "
The text of the book Varyags" [
* The text of the book "
Michael Khodorkovsky Forbidden forum" in two volumes [
* "
The text of the book Christ" [
* Map [archive.is/XLu75] showing configuration of the Seas in the Caspian and Mediterranean regions up to the Flood and first time after the Flood. Also captioned at [
is.gd/dRVLRc] as: "Here is a map of the Caspian region and Western Siberia was in the days of Noah's Flood 1250 BC, marked on the map of Atlantis and Da'Arias", map modified as shown here [
Künkel, Hans [
archive.is/fC37e], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Manuel Lacunza
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Manuel Lacunza 1732-1801 [Santiago de Chile] Died in Imola, Vatikan
Member of the Order of the Society of Jesus, Lacunza adopted the name Juan Josafat Ben Ezra, coined after the famous Spanish Hebraic theologian Abraham Ben-Ezra and his works are often published under this name.
Already during his lifetime he was regarded as one of the greatest capacities in Biblical knowledge ever. His main concern was to develop a new concept of the genesis of the world based on the sacred texts explaining dislocations of the earth as a whole in historical times such as jolts of the earth rotaional axis. Thus he created catastrophism in a scientific way that influenced many a writer from Chili to Russia up to modern times. His great opus (written in very fine and popular spanish) appeared in 1796 in Isla de León (Cádiz, Spain) and had a number of larger reeditions as well as translations (in English it appeared at Ackermann in London 1827), but was banished by the Inquisition from 1812 onwards with growing intensity so that is was nearly forgotten when an abbreviated French translation reappeared 1934 (2° ed. 1963) in Switzerland, adding to the understanding of Hörbiger and later Velikovsky. Uwe Topper (1977) was deeply grateful to Lacunzas ideas.
See also: Lacunza and his influence [
Selected Publications:
1796: La venida del Mesias en Gloria y Magestad (Isla de León; Cádiz) [Last Edition: 1969 Santiago de Chile]
Landau, Roman [
archive.is/3Q3Vf], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Langer, Ingrid [
archive.is/FgowA], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Larson, Gary [
archive.is/tuokB], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Laszlo, Renate [
archive.is/4TIVW], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Jean de Launoy
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Jean de Launoy 1603 - 1678 [Normandie, France] Lived in Paris.
The French theologian Launoy is known as "the tumbler of saints" because with his critical view an important number of so far venerated saints of the church were driven into oblivion because they proved to be pure fantasies. Working together with a group of friends in Paris he could claim some success in cleaning the barn but finally was banished and his writings were destroyed before being published. They had been saved though and were printed in Calvinist Geneva half a century later.
Selected Publications:
1731-32: Opera omnia (5 Bände. Genf)
Le Bon, Gustave [
archive.is/S7IJX], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Legler, Rolf [
archive.is/HlIxY], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Lelarge, Günter [
archive.is/UanKE], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Ruth Lelarge
Her website is defunct, but past versions are archived at [
* "
Forget about the year 2000, we still live in 1703" (by Gunnar Ries and Ruth Lelarge, lelarge.de) [
archive.is/AQ5MY], also published at [
Lettner, Martin [
archive.is/WfHL2], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Lewin, Karl-Heinz [
archive.is/yHHn4], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Liesching, Birgit [
archive.is/GhEao], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Lischke, Robert [
archive.is/vyiY6], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Lohrscheid, Hans [
archive.is/MxCey], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Löhner, Franz [
archive.is/OCWfW], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Günter Lüling
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Günter Lüling 1928-2014 [Varna, Bulgaria] Lived and died in Erlangen, Germany
Lüling was a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Günter Lüling [
Lüling studied Theology, Sociology and Islamic Sciences. During his work in Syria —directing the Goethe-Institut of Aleppo— he acquired a thorough knowledge of the Arabic languages and thus was able to reach a surprising conclusion: Around one third of the chapters of the Koran are originally Arabic Christian songs which made up an early religious book, later transformed into the Koran. The Kaaba was formerly a Byzantine church and the Prophet Mohammed didn't fight against Pagan but Christian Arabs, thus the 'idols' he destroyed in the Kaaba were no other things than images of saints. The early Islam began as a Jewish-Christian sect and only centuries later was defined in the shape it is known today.
Lüling locates the birth of Islam in the 5th or 6th century; sticking thus to the conventional chronology. Although he still doesn't integrate the possibility of a shortened chronology in his work, his ideas fit very well in the new vision of a shorter history. He published his findings in 1974, but those were never accepted by his colleagues. Only since 2004, Lüling's ideas have started to be discussed in Germany. He died on September 10th, 2014.
See also: Lüling, an orientalist against the mainstream and The Christian origins of the Koran [
Selected Publications:
1974: Über den Ur-Qur'an
1981: Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Mohammed
2003: A Challenge to Islam for Reformation Motilal Banarsidas Publ., Delhi, India (Translation of Über den Ur-Qur'an)
* Lüling, Günter [
archive.is/RKVh1], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
Introduction into the writings of the theologian and philologist Günter Lüling, Erlangen" (2005, by Uwe Topper, ilya.it) [
* "
Islam and History of Israel: A new Paradigm for the Rise of Islam and its Consequences for a New Paradigm of the History of Israel" (by Günter Lüling) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Passover of Jesus" (by Günter Lüling) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Lüling – an orientalist against the mainstream; Introduction into the writings of the theologian and philologist Günter Lüling" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Christian Origins of the Koran Günter Lülings' surprising theories" (by Ilya U. Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
Maar, Michael [
archive.is/H4e7q], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Maier, Hans Heinrich [
archive.is/VVzkN], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
M. Majorov
Resident of the USA. Presented a report titled "
A history of the most ancient history", at [
archive.is/pMPAb] hosted by the Prince's Fund (Russia).
Paul C. Martin
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Paul C. Martin *1939 [Hamburg, Germany]
Widely known in Germany and abroad because of his publicist and political actions —he worked as chief editor for the Bild journal and has published several books about economic problems— Martin is specialist on ancient coins and manuscripts of which he owns a number. He has a broad knowledge about the evolution of money and has written about Greek, Roman and Byzantin coins.
He acquired two doctorates (in history and economy) qualifying him thus for research work in chronology which he has done with acknowledged success demonstrated in lectures and articles. His incentive for the thesis of the late start of Christianism was supported by Topper (1998) and proves to be accurate as more authors dig into the field.
Selected Publications:
1994/95: Wie stark erhellen Münzen die 'dark ages' in Italien? (Artikel in VFG 4/94 and 2/95)
* Martin, Paul C. [
archive.is/BvxYU], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Christoph Marx
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Christoph Marx *1931 [Basel, Switzerland]
Marx, the oldest of the German-speaking critics of chronology, coordinates since more than 20 years the Podium for Academic Freedom in Basle (Switzerland), where he publishes his own works as well as nearly forgotten texts by previous authors. His personal contact with Immanuel Velikovsky —whose books he translated into German — has contributed the spread the Catastrophism Theory in Germany. In 1982 he founded together with G. Heinsohn, Ch. Blöss, H. Illig and others the Society for the Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature (GRMNG) which published regularly bulletins during 6 years. Still very active, Marx leads the debate on the internet level and nearly all of his publications can be accessed on-line on his website Podium für Akademische Freiheit.
Selected Publications:
1996: Der bislang letzte "große Ruck" (Artikel in VFG 3/96)
Weitere Veröffentlichungen digital (www.paf.li)
* Marx, Christoph [
archive.is/PmSch], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gert Meier
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Gert Meier *1937 [Kassel, Germany]
Meier, GertGert Meier, Dr. jur., born in Kassel in 1937, studied Law and Political Science, History and Modern Languages in Göttingen and Toronto. Until his retirement he worked as a lawyer in Cologne. His many voyages and his knowledge of several languages fundament his good knowledge of the early European history, the apparition of the Slavic peoples or the ancient sacred places. He has published several books about the megalithic culture, the development of writing and other subjects.
Selected Publications:
1988: Im Anfang war das Wort
1990: Die Wirklichkeit des Mythos
1999: Die deutsche Frühzeit war ganz anders
Meisegeier, Michael [
archive.is/e0cBD], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Menting, Georg [
archive.is/5jwq2], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Mikolasch, Hans-Peter [
archive.is/EthKg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Mikolasch, Peter [
archive.is/x4PSt], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Nikolaj A. Morosov (Morozov)

* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Nikolaj A. Morosov 1854-1946 [Jaroslawl, Russia] Lived in Sankt Petersburg, Russia
Morosow was a Russian naturalist, mathematician and astronomer, who participated in the 1880s in the revolutionary movement against the tzar and spent an important part of his life in exile in Siberia, three times tried and condemned, in prison (his total stay in prison was 29 years).
As an autodidact, however extremely knowledgeable, Morosov started to question chronology around 1900. His most important work 'Christ' (7 vol.) is today the basis upon which rely the Russian researchers of chronology, most of all Anatoly Fomenko. In Germany, Morosov was known for his interpretation and new dating of the Book of Revelation, prologued by Arthur Drews himself. Morosov decided, bases on astronomic calculations, that the Apocalypse had been written in the night from September 30th to October 1st of the year 395 AD.
Selected Publications:
1912: Die Offenbarung Johannis. Eine astronomisch-historische Untersuchung (Verlag W. Spemann, Stuttgart)
Muenzer, Paul [
archive.is/nluHb], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Mullen, William [
archive.is/dEOwA], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Mullis, Kay [
archive.is/fJ8xY], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zainab Angelika Müller
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Zainab Angelika Müller *1951 [Berlin]
Zainab Angelika Müller studied pedagogy in Münster and Munich and worked between 1977 and 1980 as production director, lector and editor in a publishing house focussed on women's subject. Thrilled by Immanuel Velikovsky's theories about catastrophs in the history of humankind, she was in 1984 among the founders of the Gesellschaft zur Rekonstruktion der Menschheits- und Naturgeschichte (GRMNG e.V., Society for the Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature). In this context she gave lectures and published in VFG/ZS and other critical magazines. Her special interest belongs to the history of symbols and religions. She runs the website Symbolforschung.
Selected Publications:
1990: Die Quelle. Über die Zweifelhaftigkeit 'alter' Überlieferung (Artikel in VFG 5/90, 15-19)
* Müller, Angelika [
archive.is/hPszm] [
archive.is/huX1U] [
archive.is/gsi1d] [
archive.is/PMjBa] , citations from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Müller, Leonhard [
archive.is/MEky5], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Müller, Norbert [
archive.is/BUZnN], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Müller, Werner [
archive.is/OJEAt], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Münchhausen, Klaus von [
archive.is/ixC2B], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Naudiet, Armin [
archive.is/woXfY], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Neukum, Dietmar [
archive.is/V2hFk], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Neumann, Johannes [
archive.is/X7BGI], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Neusel, Manfred [
archive.is/AzBiK], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Isaac Newton
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [

Isaac Newton 1642-1727 [England]
The famous mathematician Sir Isaac Newton did not accept the calculations of his contemporary scholars such as Pétau which are the fundaments of our modern chronology. Although his arguments were also based on the Bible and on theological reasons —a fact that doesn't distinguish him from his opponents — he shortened the Egyptian History by 1800 years and the Greek History by 534 years. His ideas were finally not integrated into the overall accepted chronological scheme.
Selected Publications:
- 1728 (posthumous): The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
"Here YOUR MAJESTY will see Astronomy, and a just Observation on the course of Nature, assisting other parts of Learning to illustrate Antiquity; and a Penetration and Sagacity peculiar to the great Author, dispelling that Mist, with which Fable and Error had darkened it.
Chronologers have sometimes doubled the persons of men, and by such corruptions they have exceedingly perplexed Ancient History. [...] The Europeans, had no Chronology before the times of the Persian Empire: and whatsoever Chronology they now have of ancienter times, hath been framed since, by reasoning and conjecture."
* "
Is Ancient History Completely Made Up By 'The Man'?" (2017-04-01, gawker.com) [
archive.is/2nVeX] [begin excerpt]: "Chronologers have sometimes doubled the persons of men," Newton argued, "and by such corruptions they have exceedingly perplexed Ancient History." The Greeks mixed goddess Io with the Egyptian goddess Isis; the Romans lost most of their chronicles to fires set by the Gauls; the Persian timeline of rulers made no sense; and how could the great Egyptian city of Memphis have existed before Homer's day, if Homer never mentioned it? As a result, Newton's own countrymen were adrift, uncertain of their own location in human history: "The Europeans, had no Chronology before the times of the Persian Empire: and whatsoever Chronology they now have of ancienter times, hath been framed since, by reasoning and conjecture."
Is Ancient History Completely Made Up By 'The Man'?
Newton's chronology moved the English a little closer to antiquity. Events in ancient Greece, he argued, were about 300 years newer than the conventional wisdom held. Egypt's empire was moved forward in time as much as 1,800 years. And so on for most of the ancient civilizations. "And whilst all these nations have magnified their Antiquities so exceedingly," the great mathematician concluded, "we need not wonder that the Greeks and Latines have made their first Kings a little older than the truth." [end excerpt]
Hans-Ulrich Niemitz
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Hans-Ulrich Niemitz 1946-2010 [Berlin] Lived in Leipzig, Germany
Niemitz taught Technical History at the Leipzig University (Germany). He was the first to rediscover Kammeier and the 'hole' in the Middle Ages and introduced the idea of phantom years in the German History. As a fundament for his theories, he analysed the technical methods of dating historic facts —such as dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating— and discovered surprising errors. Together with Ch. Blöss he published these results in 1997.
In 1994, Niemitz founded, together with Blöss and Uwe Topper, the Berlin Historic Meetings, which he coordinated until 2007. Since 1991 he has published a large number of lectures and articles. He died on Nov 2nd, 2010.
Selected Publications:
1997: C-14 Crash
* Niemitz, Hans-Ulrich [
archive.is/0cVH6], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
The Self-Deception of C-14 and Dendrochronology; How Dendrochronology Has Been Lulled into a False Sense of Security by an Urgently needed Auxiliary Science" (by Christian Blöss/ Hans Ulrich Niemitz) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?" (translated by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
Niestroj, Jens [
archive.is/d4fVt], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Nitz, Horst [
archive.is/EKflw], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth [
archive.is/hceXy], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Németh, Zsolt [
archive.is/GPzmU], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Nöller, W. [
archive.is/jhyYW], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Ignacio Olagüe
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Ignacio Olagüe 1903-1974 [San Sebastián, Spain] Lived in France
Olagüe was born in northern Spain and studied in France. In 1938 he started to write about History and in 1969 published, first in French, his surprising book "The Arabs never invaded Spain" which shows through a detailed research that there is no such thing as an Arab invasion: a military campaign from Egypt through Northern Africa, without a navy force, is impossible to imagine. Only a peaceful mission and a voluntary acceptance of the new religion can explain the expansion of the Arab language. He explains how early 'Islam' in Spain is a religion different from modern Islam and closer to Arianism. His book, somehow updated, was published in Spanish in 1974 and has been republished in recent years.
Selected Publications:
1969: Les arabes n'ont jamais envahi l'Espagne
1974: La revolución islámica en Occidente
Otte, A. Vierling, E. [
archive.is/mpx01], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Otte, Andreas [
archive.is/L2Sqn], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Otto, Ernst [
archive.is/L9AKU], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Reinhold Pallmann
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Reinhold Pallmann 1835-"nach 1894" [Spremberg, Brandenburg] Lived in Berlin
University librarian and teacher in Greifswald, Pallmann later went to Berlin where he taught as professor at High Schools. In his time he was a rather known historian yet his name does not appear in encyclopedias, where most of his colleagues are mentioned. This must be due to his revolutionary thoughts about prehistory he published but were rejected by established academicians.
Pallmann also wrote about education in history at high schools (Magdeburg 1860), about colonial politics (1886), about petrol to be refined from sand in Brandenburg (1882) etc. His criticism of prehistoric views in his book about South German lake-dwellers (1866) was reprinted in Leipzig 2003 so that again his revolutionary views are available. He died “after 1894” —the exact year is not known.
Selected Publications:
1858: De interitu imperii Romani occidentalis et de primo in Italia regno Germanorum (Halis Saxonum)
1863: Die Geschichte der Völkerwanderung von der Gothenbekehrung bis zum Tode Alarichs (Gotha, Perthes)
1866: Die Pfahlbauten und ihre Bewohner (Akadem. Buchhandl., Greifswald)
1870: Die Cimbern und Teutonen. Ein Beitrag zur altdeutschen Geschichte und zur deutschen Alterthumskunde (Berlin)
1896: Erklärung der Abkürzungen auf Münzen der neueren Zeit des Mittelalters und des Altertums sowie auf Gedenkmünzen und münzartigen Zeichen (Berlin), zusammen with Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Schlickeysen, noch heute Standardwerk.
Pape, Wolfgang [
archive.is/BqfzC], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Paraschiv, Cornelius [
archive.is/dSfbE], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Peiser, Benny [
archive.is/QkeNG], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Pertigen, Eno [
archive.is/g0edJ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Christoph Pfister
* Website [
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Christoph Pfister *1953 [Bern, Switzerland] Lives in Freiburg, Switzerland
Pfister works as a teacher in Freiburg (Switzerland) where he studied and reached his PhD in Modern History. Since the 1990s he focuses also on Ancient History and Middle Ages. He believes that the really documented History does start as late as the 17th century and that all older documents were written after that date. Pfister does base his theories frequently on the observation of the facts in the Swiss region where he lives. He publishes his ideas not only in books and magazines but also on his homepage Dillum.
Selected Publications:
2002 / 2005: Die Matrix der alten Geschichte
Pfister, Christoph [
archive.is/VxxQ9], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Christoph Pfister archive, adapted from [
C. Pfister, one of the very best European historians, has discovered that there was no human settlement prior to 1700 AD in Switzerland, and that all Gothic/Medieval buildings and all ancients documents pertaining to the period 500 AD - 1600 AD were actually created in the 18th Century AD. He also found out that the printing press was invented around 1730 AD, and wrote the exceptional book Matrix of Ancient History: [
* Albrecht Kauw, actually lived in the 18th century AD, [
archive.is/tW0rP] [
* City of Bern founded in the 18th century [
archive.is/srm53] [
archive.is/gFmT4] [
* Bern cathedral constructed in the 18th century [
* Radical new chronology [
archive.is/GiHjq] [
* Abbey library of St. Gallen constructed in the 18th century [
* Vesuvius / troy: the origin of the names of places in Switzerland [
* Celtic history hoax: [
archive.is/ZnkAg] (machine translated [
archive.is/tryJp]); [
Main Archive:
* Archeology of Switzerland [
archive.is/k8J1c] [
archive.is/Qh6yn] [
archive.is/CqMk0] [
archive.is/bKMUX] [
* Fake Marcus Aurelius sculpture [
* City of Aventicum: 18th century [
* Gothic architecture of 18th century/new chronology [
archive.is/HWOsP] [
archive.is/hgO2M] [
archive.is/r0ad4] [
archive.is/2mPOI] [
archive.is/OvvBl] [
* Wilhelm Tell hoax [
* Radical new chronology analysis [
archive.is/D4Tup] [
archive.is/3IdTL] [
* C. Pfister on A. Fomenko's History: Science or Fiction? [
* "The biggest fake in the history of mankind is the history of mankind" [
* Ancient Olympics hoax [
* Gothic / Medieval architecture [
archive.is/JAVCe] [
* Amazing related events in the history of the reigns of Napoleon 3rd and 1st [
More amazing discoveries:
* Signature of Cleopatra forgery [
* Falsification of history: Treasure of Troy [
* Fake Pergamon altar [
* Nebra disc forgery [
* "Roman" settlement in Switzerland [
* Freiburg castle [
* Frienisberg monastery [
* "Ancient" Zurich, [
archive.is/Le2LD] [
* Federal Charter of 1291 forgery [
* White Book of Sarnen forgery [
* Pantheon, constructed in the 18th century [
* Fake Swiss history [
archive.is/JVp9G] [
archive.is/mnpLI] [
archive.is/np4Mp] [
* Alexander mosaic of Pompeii [
* Gold treasure of Erstfeld forgery [
* Albrecht von Haller fake history (2009-01) [
* "
Freiburg in Üechtland: Important historical and artistic questions to ask" (dillum.ch/html/freiburg_fribourg_historisches_und_kunsthistorisches_richtiggestellt.htm) [archive.is/8CJNg]
* "The Matrix of Ancient History: An introduction to the criticism of history and chronology; Analysis of a religiously motivated history invention since the 18th century" (2016, dillum.ch/html/1_matrix_of_ancient_history_pfister.christopher_2016.htm) [archive.is/zQEpP]
* "Manifesto of Historical Criticism: A short version of historical and chronological criticism" (2022, dillum.ch/html/geschichtskritik_chronologiekritik_manifest_2016_christoph_pfister.htm) [archive.is/HYNUw]
Pickel, Hajo [
archive.is/xZxtb], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Plotke, Olaf [
archive.is/y2ctS], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Polatschek, Klemens [
archive.is/bub5U], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Princes Fund
20th International conference on problems of a civilization (fundprinces.ru/en) [
archive.is/pMPAb] included New Chronology topics presented by M. Majorov and A.M. Tyurin.
Rade, Claus Dieter [
archive.is/NWbHW], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Radke, Ralf [
archive.is/fEP8G], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Ranke, Leopold von [
archive.is/hJ994], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Reinhard, Tom [
archive.is/Ub9L6], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Richer, Dr. Dietmar M. [
archive.is/JsOAO] [
archive.is/KvtBv], citations from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Thomas Riemer
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Thomas Riemer *ca. 1950 [Germany]
Thomas Riemer, born around 1950 in Germany, studied on his own in Freiburg/South Germany, while working at the University library, having also contact to the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology. He edited the periodical "Mysteria" in the 1980s, and in 1990 was cofounder (with Gernot Geise a.o.) of the Efodon Verein where he published until his exit in 1994.
He travelled a lot, giving lectures, visiting fairs and holding seminaries. In 1992 he took part in the excavation of a Keltenschanze (i..e. a square wall system attributed to the Celtic culture) at Riedhausen (near Murnau, Bavaria) starting the first project to register and map those strange relicts of prehistory. In 1995 he left for the Near East and since then he never contacted his former colleagues.
Selected Publications:
1987: Der europäische Luftraum in der Antike in: 'Von heiligen Linien und heiligen Orten' (Halver); with Lück Reinhold
1991: Die Schusterkugel in: Mysteria 88/89
1994: Der Teufel, ein ehemals ehrbarer Berufsstand
Riemer, Thomas [
archive.is/zL8qd], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Ristow, Klaus [
archive.is/0r7Qg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Roese, Gerhard [
archive.is/ejr3D], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Rubner, Jeanne [
archive.is/QLrFF], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
François de Sarre

* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
François de Sarre *1947 [Saarbrücken, Germany] Lives in Nice, France
De Sarre is a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at François de Sarre [
François de Sarre works as a zoologist specialised on Fish and the evolution of vertebrates. He has published many articles about the Mediterranean Ichthyofauna. Since 1985 he works on a subject still quite unknown to the public: the theory of the initial bipedalism of vertebrates. In 1988 he founded in Nice / France the Centre for Studies and Research of Initial Bipedalism and publishes the magazine Bipedia.
In the 1990s he contacted with the group of German researchers who question the chronology and writes about the catastrophes that shaped the History of the Mediterranean, based on zoological and geological facts.
Selected Publications:
1987: Als das Mittelmeer trocken war
2013: Mais où est donc passé le Moyen Age ? Le récentisme (éditions Hades, Rouen)
Schapiro, Meyer [
archive.is/SQLG3], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schieß, Norbert [
archive.is/W774m], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schildmann, Kurt [
archive.is/Zdr5K], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schiller, Friedrich von [
archive.is/Ot6Us], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schlaak, Paul [
archive.is/DKLJa], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schlegel, Helmut [
archive.is/QzqVQ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schmidt, Gerald [
archive.is/4qK9d], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schmidt, Hanjo [
archive.is/u6Kzg], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schnee, Oliver [
archive.is/J0JNk], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schukies, Renate [
archive.is/zhoB2], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schumacher, R. [
archive.is/BmIDq], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Schwerdtel, Eberhard [
archive.is/Dr2EO], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Seel, Karl August [
archive.is/gWHhx] [
archive.is/EuHFv], citations from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Sidorczak, J. [
archive.is/IFlIh], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Franz Siepe
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Franz Siepe 1955-2013 [Nuttlar, Sauerland - Marburg/Lahn]
Siepe studied German literature, politics and philosophy in Marburg (Germany) where he later on worked as language advisor and free writer. He published for radio programs and wrote essays and book reviews. From 1998 to 2006 he wrote several articles for Heribert Illig's quarterly "Zeitensprünge" (Mantis, Gräfelfing) and published a book with the same editor on the adoration of St. Mary (2002).
His most important article he wrote together with his wife Ursula Siepe in 1998: „Wußte Ghiberti von der ‚Phantomzeit’?“ (in: Zeitensprünge 10, S. 305-319) reflections on the historiography of Italian Renaissance concerning their concept that from the end of the Roman Empire only 700 years (and not one thousand, as is proposed now) had elapsed.
Selected Publications:
2002: Fragen der Marienverehrung (Mantis Verl.)
* Siepe, Franz [
archive.is/ofkmo], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Siepe, Ursula [
archive.is/OVjMr], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
"Sir Galahad", see Bertha Diener
Sonnenschmidt, Reinhard [
archive.is/Q0DNP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Speidel, Markus O. [
archive.is/S5XPd], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Spieker, Reiner [
archive.is/95g4F] [
archive.is/jLXfg], citations from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Oswald Spengler
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Oswald Spengler 1880-1932 [Blankenburg, Germany] Lived in München
Spengler, a philosopher and historian, lived since 1911 in Munich as a researcher who was not too shy to position himself also on political questions of the moment. Modern critic of chronology and history has been influenced by his famous book "The decline of the West" which was published shortly after World War I, but even more by his much less known posthumous work "Early Times of World History", which is not more than a collection of notes and papers. Among these, the most related to the subject of shortened chronology is a lecture about the early American cultures, which offers quite original positions. Spengler died in 1936, somehow avoided by the circles then in power in Germany, due to his straightforward openness.
Selected Publications:
1918-22: Der Untergang des Abendlandes
1937: Aufsätze und Reden
1966: Frühzeit der Weltgeschichte (postum, Fragment)
* "
Oswald Spengler’s Vision of the Chronological Evolution" (2010, by Uwe Topper, ilya.it) [
Spillmann, John [
archive.is/JvZY9], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Stauffer, Ethelbert [
archive.is/KyEZQ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Stender, Walter [
archive.is/n3jCz], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Strauwitz, Dieter von [
archive.is/1xYfi], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Strauwitz, Jürgen von [
archive.is/huCt3], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Suhr, Detlef [
archive.is/vlWHq], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Sättis, Leif [
archive.is/UZg6M], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Jordan Tabov
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Jordan Tabov *1946 [Sofia] Lives in Sofia, Bulgaria
Tabov is a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Jordan Tabov [
Jordan Tabov is a mathematician and a member of the Academy of Science of Bulgaria. He specialises on the application of mathematics to historical issues and chronology. In 1998, Tabov founded in Sofia the seminar Anachronism, where meetings are held twice a month.
Tabov has recieved several prices, among them the Bronze Medal of the 7th International Mathematical Olympiad in Berlin (1965) and the Paul-Erdos-Price of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (1994).
Selected Publications:
1997: The downfall of ancient Bulgaria Sofia (in Bulgarian)
2003: When became the Rus of Kiev Christians? Sankt Peterburg (in Russian)
Tamerl, Alfred [
archive.is/lFgwP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Thiel, Werner [
archive.is/aVVlx], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Thoböll, Jens [
archive.is/bYAme], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gunnar Thompson, Ph.D.
A regarded researcher of world maps, with an extensive bibliography of books. Not a researcher into the New Chronology, but the conclusions he derives for his research parallels with the New Chronology in answering the role of the Americas in times of "ancient Rome" and before the voyages of Columbus.
* Gunnar’s website: [
* [
* [
* [
* "
Early New World Maps" (2014-06-11, by Dr. Gunnar Thompson, for ancientamerica.com) [
Thüne, W. [
archive.is/pPUzB], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Gyula Tóth
Website: [
* "
The Trap of False History: The Dark Pages of the Middle Ages" (2006-05-04, by Gyula Tóth; translation and footnotes by cakravartin.com) page 1 [
archive.is/MICz6], page 2 [
archive.is/Lneu3], page 3 [
archive.is/mMy6o], page 4 [
archive.is/YbTHJ], page 5 [
archive.is/MpTvK], page 6 [
archive.is/nPd65], page 7 [
* "
From Scythia to Maghreb: Beyond the phantom Middle Ages" (.pdf) [
http://is.gd/gUO5YP], video [
* "
Phantom History and Beyond" video [
Ilya U. Topper
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Ilya U. Topper *1972 [Almería, Spanien] Lives in Madrid
LülingTopper is contributor to and technical responsible for the website newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Ilya U. Topper [
Ilya U. Topper was raised in Morocco. He works as a free-lance journalist based in Spain. Since 1994 he began to take interest in chronological issues and, speaking Arab, specialised on Islamic history. He works together with Uwe Topper on calendar issues. Since 2005 he tries to spread the critical theories in Spain, where they were so far unknown, by launching the website newchronology in several languages, among the Spanish.
Selected Publications:
1994: 300 Jahre Phantomzeit? Kritische Kommentare (Artikel in VFG, 4/94)
1998: Apuntes sobre la era árabe en el contexto mediterráneo in: al-Andalus-Magreb. Nº 6. Jahrbuch der Universität Cádiz
Topper, Ilya Ullrich [
archive.is/e6zoj], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Uwe Topper
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Uwe Topper *1940 [Breslau] Lives in Berlin
TopperTopper is co-founder of and contributor to the site newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Uwe Topper [
Topper studied some semesters of Fine Arts and Islam and lived as a free-lance artist and writer in Southern Asia, Northern Africa and finally in Western Europe, with Berlin as a permanent reference. His field research in ethnological subjects and rock paintings led him to the conviction that the catastrophs that happened throughout the history of humankind can well be documented in the landscape, during excavations and by reading ancient texts. He published this findings in 1977. As co-founder of the Berlin History Meetings he focusses his research since 1993 on chronology.
Selected Publications:
1977: Das Erbe der Giganten
1998: Die ›Große Aktion‹
1999: Erfundene Geschichte
2001: Fälschungen der Geschichte
2006: Kalendersprung
* Topper, Uwe [
archive.is/ZTcft], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* "
Invented History; European history has been adultered and played with by the clergy for many centuries" (1999-08, Uwe Topper, via ilya.it/chrono/enpages/Invented%20History.html) [archive.is/fzf44]
* "
The Beginning of the Metal Age" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Fakes in Anatolia: James Stuart Mellaart and the Prehistory of Anatolia" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Almanac, Galileo and the Precession Jolt" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Chronology criticism has reached France" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* Introduction to an article by Ursula and Franz Siepe in “Zeitensprünge” 1998 regarding the evolution of chronological development in the Italian Renaissance time (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Computists and Chronology" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
James, Peter: Centuries of Darkness" book review (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Glacial Cosmogony" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Beowulf Epic is a Fake!" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Canary Islands, forgotten for a millennium?" (2007, by Uwe Topper, ilya.it) [
* "
Eudoxus' Star Catalogue - how old is it really?" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The ERA, a medieval chronological reckoning" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Easter dates in an inscription at Périgueux" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Cataclysms are the reason for our wrong chronology" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Gregorian Calendar Reform" (by Uwe Topper & Ilya U. Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Calendar Nonsense: Review of the book by D. E. Duncan" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Measuring the Size of the Earth in Antiquity" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Lady of Elche is a forgery, too" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Lacunza and his influence: Catastrophism Theory around 1800 AD" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The Tapestry of Bayeux" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Swift and the Martian moons" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
Oswald Spengler’s Vision of the Chronological Evolution" (by Uwe Topper) (via yrotsih.com) [
* "
The lost three centuries - second opinion" (2006, by Uwe Topper, in Berlin) [
Tröblin, Karsten [
archive.is/lmxst], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Andreas Tschurilow
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Andreas Tschurilow *1962, lives in Deggendorf, Germany
TschurilowTschurilow is engineer and lives in Deggendorf (Bavaria). He has worked on a detailed analysis of Pompeii, where he could document the traces of a water channel of the 17th century underneath the supposed Roman villas.
Tüllmann, Wilfried [
archive.is/zdRFQ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
A.M. Tyurin
Presented a report titled "
Genius-chronologic dating of Jews in a context of the Traditional History and New Chronology", at [
archive.is/pMPAb] hosted by the Prince's Fund (Russia).
* "
Population reconstruction" set of papers (by A.M. Tyurin, via new.chronologia.org) [
I. Population genetics
- "Transmission", "evolutionary" and "engineered" rates of mutations of the loci of haplotypes of the Y chromosome
- On the issue of the genochronological dating of the ancestors of the Yakuts
- Harmonization of historical evidence, linguistic and genetic data characterizing Hungarians (part 1, part 2)
- Are there genetic traces of the Mongol conquests of the 13th century? (Part 1, part 2)
- The dating of the cluster of haplotypes of the Y chromosome Genghis Khan
- Genochronological dating of the ancestors of European Gypsies, Madzhary, Kazakhs, Hungarians and Ossetians (genogenological aspect)
- Genochronological and radiocarbon dating of the Maori ancestors
- Are there any genetic traces of the "titular nation" of the Golden Horde?
- Genohronological dating of Jews of haplogroup E1b1b1
- Genochronological dating of Jews in the context of Traditional History and New Chronology [
archive.is/QzSip], machine translation [
- On the geography of the haplogroup of the Y chromosome I1 in Eastern Europe
II. The dating of populations and the beginning of the colonization of the regions of Eurasia
- Reconstruction of population dynamics dynamics in North-Eastern and Central Asia
- Dating the Buryats
- Dating archaeological cultures of the Baikal region
- Dating the first stage of the ethnogenesis of the Yakuts and the beginning of the colonization of the territory of Yakutia
- Dating of the beginning of ethnogenesis of Russians
Uexküll, Jakob v. [
archive.is/AgwGx], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Ungericht, Hansmartin [
archive.is/N7QTU], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Immanuel Velikovsky
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Immanuel Velikovsky 1895-1975 [Witebsk, Russia] Lived in Princeton (USA)
The German researcher H. Illig has characterised the basic ideas of this modern catastrophist in two accurate sentences: "The Jewish-Russian psychoanalyst, who first wrote in German, identified Mars and Venus as a threat to our Earth. Humankind, in that epoch, could only live with this mortal danger by banning of their minds the memory of the repeatedly outbursting catastrophs and converting the planets into gods by offering them ritual sacrifices".
This thesis of banning the memory is one of the earliest fundaments of the modern chronological research and cannot be neglected. On the other hand, Velikovsky still stuck to a chronology fixed strictly on the Bible. During decades, his views didn't make it into the mainstream science; only a new translation by Christoph Marx, in 1978, made Velikovsky known in Germany, where he found many followers.
Selected Publications:
1950: Worlds in Collision (Welten im Zusammenstoß)
1956: Earth in Upheaval (Erde im Aufruhr)
* Velikovsky, Immanuel [
archive.is/eNQjX], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
* Critical review from Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay [
Ulrich Voigt
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Ulrich Voigt *1941 [Hamburg, Germany]
Ulrich Voigt is a teacher for higher education, now in retirement, in Hamburg, who taught History and Mathematics. He is World Champion in Memory Sports and has also a national record. In 1975 he published a book about David Hume and the problem of History which was his thesis of Doctorate.
With best arguments Voigt opposes the theory of fantome-time as claimed by Heribert Illig.
Selected Publications:
2001: Esels Welt Mnemotechnik (Likanas Verlag, Hamburg)
2003: Das Jahr im Kopf. Kalender und Mnemotechnik (Likanas, Hamburg)
* Voigt, Ulrich [
archive.is/FtPJ0], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Volker, Friedrich [
archive.is/Tk9Xn], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Vollbach, Jochen [
archive.is/7cuaK], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Völker, Thomas [
archive.is/jZnUk], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Karin Wagner
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Karin Wagner *1941 [Karlsruhe, Germany] Lives in Ettlingen (Germany)
Wagner is a contributor to newchronology. Read a detailed biography at Karin Wagner [
Karin Wagner, director of a private academy, assessor and responsible for the training of teachers, is working since 30 years on the critical reconstruction of the family tree of a noble French family, as well as researching in archives in whole Europe, specifically Italy. She also works on her doctoral thesis about Paul Diel.
Wandruzka, Nikolai [
archive.is/JCIjG], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Weeg, H. [
archive.is/9f2I2], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Weiss, Claudio [
archive.is/zV185], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Weissgerber, Klaus [
archive.is/NNmms], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Welcker, Roland [
archive.is/1EGzP], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Werner, Frank [
archive.is/skFZS], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Werner, Karl Ferdinand [
archive.is/4MFBU], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Weyand, Michael [
archive.is/U5Zrj], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Whelton, Clark [
archive.is/V8Er0], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Peter Winzeler
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Peter Winzeler *1948 [Zürich] Lives in Biel, Switzerland
Dr. phil. Peter Winzeler studied theology in Zürich, showing specific interest for the history of religions and the orientalistic school; in Berlin he researched historical-critical methods of explaining the Bible. Today he teaches Theology of the Reformation at the University of Bern. During the 1980s, Winzeler published several articles at the bulletin of the Society for the Reconstruction of the History of Humankind and Nature (GRMNG) and he is still one of the most important contributors to the newsletter "Zeitensprünge", published by H. Illig.
He takes position against some radical solutions of the chronological problems as proposed by A. Fomenko or Christoph Marx and works towards a revision of chronology which keeps in mind the consequences of this revision for our present culture.
Selected Publications:
1986: Zwingli als Theologe der Befreiung (Basel)
1998: "Losend dem Gotzwort!" G. W. Lochers Bedeutung für die Zwingliforschung. In: In: Zwingliana XXV, 1998,43-63)
* Winzeler, Peter [
archive.is/XbjsH], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wirsching, Achim [
archive.is/a2DF4], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wirsching, Armin [
archive.is/oTXTr], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wolf, Doris [
archive.is/PzXju], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wolter, Hans-Ulrich [
archive.is/gfWJx], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wulffen, Barbara von [
archive.is/5wByf], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wurster, Herbert W. [
archive.is/u9VXB], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Würch, Dieter [
archive.is/wcAYi], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Wolfram Zarnack
* "
Who is who" (retrieved 2015-10, ilya.it) [
Wolfram Zarnack *1938 [Buch (Berlin)] Lives in Göttingen, Germany
Prof. emerit. Dr. Zarnack studied Physics and Mathematics at the universities of Berlin and Munich writing his thesis on the wing movements of the locust. From 1986 to 2003 he worked as a professor in Göttingen. His special interest in the origins of christianism led him to a decisive new thesis which changes the ideological set as well as the chronological one. Furthermore he challenges the indogermanists view of parentage and development of Germanic languages by his new insight.
His comments on Kammeier (in the new edition 2000) are precious and add much to understanding of this eminent figure which stands at the start of our research into the historiography of medieval times.
Selected Publications:
1997: Hel, Jus und Apoll - Sonnen-Jahr und Feuer-Welle: Wurzeln des Christentums. (Selbstverlag, Göttingen)(Welten im Zusammenstoß)
1999: Das alteuropäische Heidentum als Mutter des Christentums (Efodon, Hohenpeißenberg)
Zeising, Gert [
archive.is/VPVnE], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zeller, Manfred [
archive.is/WSAol], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zemel, Henry [
archive.is/Z0zqq], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zimmermann, Jürgen [
archive.is/Csy2s], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zinner, Carola [
archive.is/eUyEu], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zöllner, Wolfgang [
archive.is/WzRjZ], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zuberbühler, Robert [
archive.is/FAx4x], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zweig, Stefan [
archive.is/h2xGz], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [
Zysman, Milton [
archive.is/UuxiB], citation from "
Autoren der Zeitensprünge (Time Lapse Authors)" [